hair is falling out and wont grow



  • MrsM1ggins
    MrsM1ggins Posts: 724 Member
    I've had this problem before. Not only did I have an unattractive thyroid but I was extremely malnourished.
    Don't put yourself down. I'm sure your thyroid is lovely :wink:
  • dianediaz
    dianediaz Posts: 53 Member
    Hi there. I wanted to offer up a little info based upon my similar experience. First of all I noticed that you are 38 years old. I am 45 but around my late 30s I had the same thing happen. I eat super healthy, was taking all the necessary vitamins, eating extra protein, etc. and yet still tons of hair - handfuls - coming out every day when I would shampoo and blow dry. Super scary to say the least. I can say that part of it probably has to do with your age and a change in hormone levels that is normal as women enter the perimenopause time.

    Now, I would first say most definitely go to your doctor and get everything checked out to make sure you don't have some underlying healthy issue. But, try to keep calm for sure because stress can actually make the shedding worse.

    Another thing to know, and this I learned at least about my situation very recently, is that some vitamins and supplements in high doses can actually cause hair to shed more. I happen to be extremely sensitive to even slight changes in diet -food and supplements. And recently I quit taking multivitamins altogether. The reason I stopped is that I suspected I was overdoing the Vitamin A, which in high doses can cause hair to shed - at least according to the research I did on the Internet. I also read that fish oils (Omega 3, etc.) can contain Vitamin A as well and then when you add that on top of a vitamin that contains Vitamin A before long you're overdoing it.

    So I had extreme shedding for several years and in the last 6 months or so I completely quit taking any multivitamins and my hair has never looked and felt better. In fact the areas where it was shedding have started regrowing.

    Now, please understand I am not suggesting that you stop taking multivitamins or start doing anything I did. But this was my experience. Everyone's body is different and hormones can play a huge role. But I did want to at least share my experience.

    I hope it helps to just have the info. Please go do your doctor and get everything checked out. Good luck and please keep us posted!

  • groomchick
    groomchick Posts: 610 Member
    My Mom lost her hair in Huge Clumps due to stress.... ended up having to get injections! DEFINATELY... go see your doctor!!! :flowerforyou:
  • juliesummers
    juliesummers Posts: 738 Member
    Also, while clearly this isn't the CAUSE of your hair loss, fresh aloe vera on the scalp is supposed to have impressive hair-growth properties.
  • marianrandall
    marianrandall Posts: 4 Member
    Assuming everything else is ok (nutrition etc) , i have had great results from using an Aloe Vera Shampoo (Forever Living) . Contact me for more info if needed.
  • Loudmom01
    Loudmom01 Posts: 131 Member
    Thank you all for the great advice. I did have bloodwork done recently and everything looked good. However, I had not mentioned this problem so I am not sure dr was looking for it. I appreciate the ideas on shampoo/conditioner and vitamins. I had not thought that overdoing vitamins could be as bad as overdoing fat and carbs. I do need to increase protein as this has been the advice of most posters. My stress level is high but I am working on that, plus a change in diet and exercise so hopefully that will help too. Thanks again for all the responses. Much appreciated.
  • Loudmom01
    Loudmom01 Posts: 131 Member
    Also, no I am not doing the HCG diet. I was a few months ago but for a very short period of time. A 500 calorie a day diet plus pills didnt seem like such a good idea after a few days so I stopped.

    And no, Im not pregnant.

    Will definitely try the coconut oil/shampoo/conditioner.

    If it doesnt improve I will go to dr. Ive been avoiding that due to no money or insurance but cant be too careful with my health right.
  • specialsong77
    specialsong77 Posts: 78 Member
    I used to have the longest thickest hair and mine started falling out. My doctor has diagnosed me with PCOS (poly cycst ovary syndrome.) Might be worth checking into the symptoms...
  • dianediaz
    dianediaz Posts: 53 Member
    One more thing to keep in mind, clearly, based upon all the different comments in all of these posts there are SO many things that can cause hair shedding and hair loss. And sometimes it's impossible to determine what the cause is. It's such an individual thing based upon your body, hormones, biology, diet, etc.

    I just wanted to point that out for some perspective. I remember when my hair first began shedding and I was freaking out and thinking that everything I read was what was wrong with me and what was causing my hair problem.

    Positive thoughts your way!
  • you may go to doctor if it is normal then try nisimindia with olive oil and get your hair back. i also face this same problem you may try this
  • mogletdeluxe
    mogletdeluxe Posts: 623 Member
    Doooctor, as so many have said.

    My $0.02; I lost my hair through PCOS - I lost my hair in a typical male pattern baldness fashion.

    Hope all goes well x
  • kcoftx
    kcoftx Posts: 765 Member
    Vitamin D deficiency is another cause. Yet another reason you need to bring it back up to a doctor. It could be a number of things.
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    There are two ingredients, one found in allergy medicine and one found in both allergy and asthma medicine, that can cause hair loss. Most people don't notice because most don't need to take them daily. But if you are one of those people like me who is plagued by asthma and allergies, try just Sudafed, it has neither ingredient in it.

    Also check the info on any other medication you're taking. Hair loss should be listed on labels, but it's not always!

    I blamed Atkins, I blamed low carb in general, I blamed spending over a year in a calorie deficit in general for my hair loss, but it was the medication. I quit taking it and my hair is growing back.