Team UK: Week 2

Hi guys,
new week new challenge

Week 2 challenge: try and least 3 new things this week (healthy food or exercises)

i didnt weigh in this morning because i had a bad night and ate 1/3 tub of ben and jerrys and a bag of microwave popcorn, so i think ive put weight on.

Good luck this week!


  • curvykatie
    curvykatie Posts: 870 Member
    Hi guys,
    new week new challenge

    Week 2 challenge: try and least 3 new things this week (healthy food or exercises)

    i didnt weigh in this morning because i had a bad night and ate 1/3 tub of ben and jerrys and a bag of microwave popcorn, so i think ive put weight on.

    Good luck this week!
  • kpnuts23
    kpnuts23 Posts: 960 Member
    Good morning!!!

    I completed my 30 mile bikeride yesterday - burnt 1,500 cals! so i ate like a queen all day!! Was amazing weather so we had a bbq with my cousins from Essex.

    Im looking forward to this week, im going out tonight for a few drinks for my brothers 23rd birthday.. and i think i might have date number 2 lined up at some point!! :happy:

    I hope you are all ok and well!

    :heart: Katherine x
  • Cinnamon_Kisses
    Morning all! Challenge sounds fun, have no idea what to do though, any ideas?

    Well done Katherine!! How long did it take you?

    My goal weight for today was 143lbs and I weighed in at 142.8 lbs woop woop!! So glad, thought it wasn't going to happen. When I get under 140lbs I'm going to buy either of these dresses as a treat! I have a wedding to go to at the end of the month and my graduation ball so I thought those were good enough excuses! Which one should I buy?


    Decisions Decisions!

    Anyway, have to get on with revision. My first exam is tomorrow :sad:
  • curvykatie
    curvykatie Posts: 870 Member
    oooo, i like the 1st dress, its a gorgeous colour, and looks really unique

    wow! well done katherine

    im completely failing at this weight loss atm, its really not going well :sad: :embarassed:
  • lorro
    lorro Posts: 917 Member
    LOL. Is it week 2 already? I was still posting on week 1!!

    Thanks for the re-direction Katherine :smile:

    Vonzo - come and join us. How was the exam cinnamon?

    I've had no time to exercise snce last Friday but am going to do get back on track come Hell or High water
  • Cinnamon_Kisses
    Hey Lorro, hope you're getting back on track! Exam was OK, I could answer all 3 essay questions pretty well but you never know the standard they expect until you get it we'll see! Revision screwed up my eating big time though, for dinner on Monday I had half a Macdonalds cheeseburger with a side dish of half a bag of haribo. Whoops. And then last night I went to the cinema and had popcorn. Definitely getting back on track today, I'm tempted to weigh in tomorrow to see the damage.

    Have a good day everyone :drinker:
  • lorro
    lorro Posts: 917 Member
    Hi Cinnamon :smile: Sounds like the exam went well - fingers crossed! Love the side order of Haribos :laugh: I'm back on track - hope you managed it too. If not - there's always tomorrow :drinker:
  • Cinnamon_Kisses
    Where is everyone?! Am I the sole survivor of the UK team!?

    Congrats on getting back on track Lorro, well done! I'm behaving myself aswell. I went swimming for an hour today (I'm fast enough to go in the medium lane woop!) and challenged myself to not let my feet touch the ground for the last 15 minutes...I felt the burn! I also walked into work so I've got lots of calories to eat up :happy: I had a sneaky weigh in this morning to see what damage I'd done and I'm 142.2lbs so I'm still on track! Phew!

    Hope everyone else is doing well :drinker:
  • lorro
    lorro Posts: 917 Member
    Only Me! :happy:

    Glad you are still on track cinnamon. I was forced to eat a buffet at a conference today :grumble:
    Re: your dresses - both gorgeous but the 2nd gets my vote.

    As for the challenge, I've tried one new thing so far - like you, a change to my exercise routine. Helen gave me a recipe I will try this weekend. I'm not sure what the third new thing will be yet

    Keep at it, everyone :drinker:
  • Cinnamon_Kisses
    Just us then Lorro!! How did the new recipe work out?

    Weigh in day on Monday for me, hope to be 141lbs but we'll see! I can't wait to be under 10 stone again! And once I get under 141lbs I'll have a normal BMI!!

    Hope everyone is having a good weekend :drinker:
  • lorro
    lorro Posts: 917 Member
    Hi cinnamon :happy:

    I've not been organised enough to get to the shop yet and buy the ingredients. In fact my meal planning in general has gone out the window :grumble: I'm still losing though, slowly but surely.

    Good luck for Monday! Let us know how you get on. 10 stone is my target too: 10 down, 102 to go :noway:

    Have a lovely Sunday :flowerforyou:
  • curvykatie
    curvykatie Posts: 870 Member
    hi guys, will be posting week 3's challenge tomorrow morning before placement.

    if anyone has any ideas for challenges, let me know

  • Cinnamon_Kisses
    Hmmm how about toning exercises this week? Squats, lunges etc.?
  • Toddy67
    Toddy67 Posts: 24
    Is this where I join the team?:smile:
  • curvykatie
    curvykatie Posts: 870 Member
    hi Toddy, heres the place, i'll be posting week 3's challenge tomorrow :drinker:
  • Cinnamon_Kisses
    Oh and I meant to say before, did anyone watch the things on TV about Claire Richards who used to be in Steps? She put on loads of weight and it's about her losing it for her wedding. I think it's called "My Big Fat Wedding" or something, it's on the BBC iplayer website. It's really good!! So inspirational, she looks amazing at the end. To be honest, she looked good all the way through!!
  • lorro
    lorro Posts: 917 Member
    hi guys, will be posting week 3's challenge tomorrow morning before placement.

    if anyone has any ideas for challenges, let me know


    Hi Katie. How about - sticking to your allocated calories for an entire week. I keep getting side tracked

    I'm up for the toning exercises too.

    Welcome Toddy :flowerforyou:

    I missed that programme cinnamon, I'll check it out :smile:
  • lorro
    lorro Posts: 917 Member
    hi Toddy, heres the place, i'll be posting week 3's challenge tomorrow :drinker:

    Week 3 is here :smile: :