Embarrassed about people seeing me run



  • I had to realize that people are going to stare - now because I'm looking large, but later because I'll be looking hot!
  • Luandanielle1979
    Luandanielle1979 Posts: 747 Member
    I started going out doing C25K in the evenings when it got a little darker I felt better about it and stuck to the lit roads so I felt safe. You go for it girl you will feel great about it in no time and once you start to improve on your running you will feel like nothing can stop you.

    Do it x
  • galegetsthin
    galegetsthin Posts: 1,340 Member
    I was the same way. Only I was around 300lbs at the time. I got laughs, I got names. (also in a college town.) I figured that I wasnt doing it for them and not to make my happiness and health depend on others. It is my body, and I may have looked funny doing it, but I was doing it. And that is all that mattered. Now, at 200 lbs, I don't care. I do what I gotta do, and most of the students that I have run into, are proud of me for all I have done. I have even had a few join me on a regular basis. There are still a few jerks, but I think they would be jerks no matter what I weighed. They dont matter, I matter.
  • just do it...when I started there were people WALKING faster than I could run and I sounded like an elephant giving birth with all my grunting and wheezing and huffing....you know what.....???? NO ONE even cared....just do it...you will be glad you did...
  • repoman150
    repoman150 Posts: 42 Member
    Dont worry about what people think....I too used the c25k program, and am now on to the bridge to 10k You will be amazed on how combining that running program along with mfp will help you drop the weight. Remember, you are doing this for YOU!!! Because you have to and most importantly WANT to!!! So what other people think is a non-factor!!
  • TourThePast
    TourThePast Posts: 1,753 Member
    Stop looking for excuses. Suck it up and get on with it.

    Do you really think that people care about seeing someone running, who isn't already in great shape? If they think anything at all, they're thinking "ugh, I'm so unfit, I should be doing that"

    This time next year, you could well be the one who is answering threads like this by saying "Just do it anyway" - but that's only going to happen if you ignore the embarrassment and do it anyway.

    Your body. Your decision.
  • missietbee
    missietbee Posts: 12 Member
    if I see someone running it's motivation to me and makes me feel lazy (because I'm not) - people should be proud to see you run because you are trying to better yourself, so if they are judging I think that it would be in a positive way :D
  • JoleneCooper
    JoleneCooper Posts: 74 Member
    I felt the same way in this zumba class im in, a lot of good looking girls who are in shape...but they messed up just as much as I did so I thought that it was good I was at least in the class and trying to do something for myself. So ask yourself this...Do you laugh at people or judge them when you see them running? -Or do you think "good for them"? I bet its the latter. Most people dont judge, they envy! You can do it because you WANT to, don't over think it. Go for it!!
  • nukehiker
    nukehiker Posts: 457
    i'm new to running also, my thought is your probably doing more exercise then the people watching you. so just put one foot in front of the other. just do your thing and don't worry about what others may think.
  • iplayoutside19
    iplayoutside19 Posts: 2,304 Member
    I think you're thinking about this more than any potential hecklers. Don't let that happen. By thinking this way you're letting them affect YOUR behavior and YOUR goals. You get over on negative people by actually doing what you want to do and being successful.

    If anyone does say anything stick out your tongue and say: "Bet you can't catch me!" and then RUN!
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    Most of us feel this way when we first start running but think of it this way - you're still running laps around those driving by in their cars or sitting on the couch!

    Read a quote by 1984 Olympic gold medalist (for Women's Marathon) Joan Benoit Samuelson last summer that I found helpful:
    "When I first started running, I was so embarrassed, I'd walk when cars passed me. I'd pretend I was looking at the flowers."

    I figure if an accomplished runner like Joanie (as she's known by us local Mainers) could get past it and do so well, a lowly sprinter with goals of at least doing a 5k like myself should be able to!

    Best of luck! You can do it!
  • missjelika
    missjelika Posts: 115 Member
    jerkface. proud of you.
  • Stepmom1
    Stepmom1 Posts: 155 Member
    From other people's perspective, they may feel proud of you for running and wanting to get in shape. I cheer people on when they jog with a nod or smile when they pass me by, rergadless of how fit they are. I feel proud of them, especially those who are not at a high fit level yet, for making the effort to get out there and jog it out!!

    Kudos to you!!
  • MHunte
    MHunte Posts: 149
    Don't worry about people, just go out there and power walk until you get used to it then build up to a jog. you are doing it for you! plug in some headphones and blast away to your favorite music... you will be in your own zone in no time!!
  • coderchris
    coderchris Posts: 79 Member
    I also wonder what I looking like running but I just do it. I think it is so inspiring to see anyone running. Just remember you may never know who will inspire.
  • I feel INSPIRED when I see a heavier runner. You may feel funny, but if your example encourages just one person like me, then you have accomplished so much more than you think.......Run for people like me. We need you out there.
  • When I see folks that are maybe just starting out running or biking...I always think Kick-*kitten*! Good for you for getting started!
  • I'm fortunate to live in a nice area where the wide sidewalks stretch for miles in all directions so there are a lot of people at almost any time exercising. I actually like it because when I see other people doing it, it just motivates me more and puts me in a good mood for some reason. Right now when I do go out it's just power walking with my ipod blasting but by the end of Jan I want to try to start jogging. I'm a little self conscious too since the roads stay pretty busy but I told myself if I just don't do it, no one can for me.
  • marthafox1
    marthafox1 Posts: 191 Member
    Oh I shouldn't worry about what the rest of the world thinks - YOU will be out there - YOU will be jogging - YOU will be keeping fit - YOU will be awesome. Most people will see you giving it your all and think good on you and you could motivate others to get out there and give it a go as well.

    Personally, I know what you mean and when I did the C25K I found the walking bits a little embarassing but turned the walky bits into power walks and swung my arms, smiled and listend to my favourite tunes on my MP3 - and very soon didn't give a flying foxtail what people thought of me.

    Since then, I have added all sorts of bizarre and ridiculous things to my training outside and make a complete tit of myself sometimes - but I JUST DON'T CARE and neither should you. The people who judge are ridiculous - because you are the one out there getting fit and they are sitting on their backsides.....judging (and since when did judging people create the body beautiful?).

    Just go for it - you will be surprised at how quickly the feelings of fear and/or embarassment are taken over by feelings of accomplishment, euphoria and being pleased as punch with yourself.
  • rosebarnalice
    rosebarnalice Posts: 3,488 Member
    I work out the university gym where I teach-- plenty of buff college students there, believe me!

    I look terrible when I work out-- I'm 25 lbs overweight; 50 years old; I dress like a Goodwill reject; I sweat like a racehorse; my head, arms and legs turn beet red; my boobs, butt, tummy roll, and bat wings flop and jiggle like day-old Jello; and I sometimes huff and puff and make weird noises (and occasionally unconsciously sing out loud to whatever is on my MP3 player. . . ).

    So how do I feel about the buff college students who see me at the gym? I DON'T!!! That is, I don't FEEL anything about it because I just don't think about it.

    If one of them has a problem with me, then as far as I'm concerned, it's his/her problem--not mine. I'm there to get my sweat on because it's good for ME. . . not to be somebody's gym crush or fantasy or somebody else's diet inspiration or role model or WHATEVER.

    I say, if you wanna run, put on your good shoes and your headphones, watch out for traffic, and don't worry about what others think about you!