How do you stay motivated?

Binkylove Posts: 161
edited September 19 in Health and Weight Loss
I need advice QUICKLY before i go off at the deep end and totally wreck my diet! :grumble: :sad: I was doing well and in the first 4 weeks lost 4 pounds which was great! But i started to walk every day for an hour a day. Thinking that this would help in my weight loss, but it hasent and i have stuck att he same weight this week. I am eating all my callorie allowance and exersise calories for the day, so i dont think im over eating! Because of this i am so down and cannot seem to get motivated anymore.
What would you do if this happened to you?
All advice would be greatly appreciated:smile:


Pamela :flowerforyou:


  • hiddensecant
    hiddensecant Posts: 2,446 Member
    Exercise can have a really annoying tendency to make you lose inches more than pounds. Take measurements and photos; those will help lots.
  • Cindysunshine
    Cindysunshine Posts: 1,188 Member
    Hi Binky, Take a deep breath. Now what I'm about to tell you is what works for me. Every one is diferant and what works for me may not work for you but here goes. I eat 1,700 calories a day. I burn between 800-900 calories a day through my workouts. I do not eat any of my exercise calories back because I have so much to lose. I walk 4 miles a day. I walk the 4 miles in 60 minutes. I have a heart rate monitor and I keep my heart rate at 73% the entire walk. If your not pushing hard while your walking your calorie burn will be low. I also ride my bike, swim and do resistance training a few times a week. I drink 1 gallon iof water every day. I eat tons of fruits,veggies lean meat and dairy. I lose between 3-4 pounds a week. I have lost 40 pounds since 3-3-09. There is no magic formula that will make you lose. It's all trial and error. You have to find out what works for you. I would say increase your exercise and perhaps try eating only half your exercise calories. Remember to drink that water too. Good luck ! I know you can do it!!!!! :flowerforyou: Cindy :heart:
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    this is a LONG process. as many have noted before, you didn't gain this wt overnt, so you can't reasonably expect to lose it quickly either.
    some weeks you won't see #s change, but just keep moving forward. b/c going back to the way you used to do things will only add pounds.

    it's so much a mental thing anyway. you just have to keep making the right choices at every opportunity. post stickies. post pictures. read success stories here. try a new kind of exercise each month. get inspirational quotes. move your main activities away from kitchen. make mini goals. make a list of rewards (non-food). make a list of activities to do when you're bored. drink your water. get out of the house so you can't mindlessly snack.

    and remember--this isn't a DIET. this is about changing what/how/why you eat to get yourself to a healthier YOU.
    stay with it and you will achieve your goals!:flowerforyou:
    MOMOFTWO29 Posts: 8,276 Member
    Keep at it, it will start to move again. I am at a bit of a standstill right now but I keep pushing. The word diet is a 4 letter word, I prefer to call this a lifestyle change because I am learning to eat good healthy food rather than the stuff I ate before. Come on, don't get discouraged. You can do this!!!!!!!!!!! :flowerforyou:
  • ddiesh
    ddiesh Posts: 15
    Along with all the other good advice given here, you might also try interval training with your walking. After your warm-up, walk at a very brisk pace for 1 minute, then ease off for, say, 2-3 minutes. Keep that cycle going for the duration of your workout.
  • pattitricia85
    pattitricia85 Posts: 376
    if you can afford it, i would invest in a heart rate monitor. if you are doing a leisurely walk, or not keeping your heart rate pumping hard i would be really hesitant to eat my workout calories,,, thats just me. SOmeone mentioned interval training, pounds will melt away when you do that. if running hard isn't possible for you maybe try walking for 5 minutes, then one minute of jogging, or just 30 seconds if thats what you can do! Good luck... keep eating good, you will find what works for you!
  • scaliwag
    scaliwag Posts: 7
    It did happen to me but it eventually started coming off. 1st thing i said was I'm not dieting. as soon as u say the word "diet" it screws with your mind.
    I just changed my eating habits and worked out hard and finally started seeing the results.some days were good and some bad but you don't give up. So keep at it, it is worth it in the long run. If you have a bad day, don't worry.
  • sassekel
    sassekel Posts: 114 Member
    interval training is a good tip, you can keep walking just try to go faster for as long as you can and as far as you can.
    I ramped up my exercise as I got stronger so hopefully there is no plateau. eat healthy, drink water, and be patient.:flowerforyou:
  • Nich0le
    Nich0le Posts: 2,906 Member
    I don't always stay motivated :noway:

    We all have "those days" and you can make two choices, give into the old habits that brought you to where you are at or make a choice to do what will get you where you want to be. You are the only one that can make that choice. :flowerforyou:
  • I call a close friend who is positve and ask if they can give me a boost?
    I always seek some one to talk about the fears I have about weight gain and
    relize how much support and encouragement I can find by asking for help. Your
    friends that love you for you will tell you to keep going...The next mael I start again with the right food choices, even if I use most of my calories.
    I drink more water too to help assit with cleaning my system out as much as possible. I also like to take a lesizure walk or spend my time reading about anything that has nothing to do with my weight. Some days it is nice to give myself a break away from thinking about my weight. I remind myself to be patient with my took a long time for me to gain it though I may think it seem like I packed it on in a sanp. Health is hard to earn but each small achievement is
    like gold. I "cheat" and I fantasize about my favorite treats and goodies. But I know that I will have to deal with the results if I continue to stay with the old habits I use to allow.

    Finding a new distraction is helpful...I went bowling which I really do not like but it was fun to see that I can do something different, I play pickle ball which turns out to be blast and very gentle on the bones. I have also just played in the yard with my dog to keep my mind off of small stumbles I make. Dogs are very forgiving and love thier masters no matter wahr. The unconditional love makes a huge improvement on my heart and mind. I forgive myself and make sure my next meal is balanced with extra veggies. Hope this helps!! Keep are worth it!
  • pettmybunny
    pettmybunny Posts: 1,986 Member

    Finding a new distraction is helpful...I went bowling which I really do not like but it was fun to see that I can do something different, I play pickle ball which turns out to be blast and very gentle on the bones. I have also just played in the yard with my dog to keep my mind off of small stumbles I make. Dogs are very forgiving and love thier masters no matter wahr. The unconditional love makes a huge improvement on my heart and mind. I forgive myself and make sure my next meal is balanced with extra veggies. Hope this helps!! Keep are worth it!

    What the heck is pickle ball? I've never heard of it!
  • pickle ball is based in is a game you can play on a tennis court.
    You play at the half line with 4 people. The paddles are wooden and abit larger than pin pong paddles. They can be hard to find if pickle ball is not really popular in your area. go online to research the pickle ball paddle. You also use a wiffle ball to volley back and forth over the tennis net.
    It is fun and anyone can play, any fitness level.
    Smiles for miles,
    Your health counts!
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