Please help, I weigh 260 lbs. and want to get pregnant, plea

Hello I need an advice. I weigh 260lbs and I am 5'6. I want to get pregnant this year but I am afraid because as you guys notice I am obese and diabetic. I already lost 35 lbs. I used to weigh 295, and time is passing by. I am 29 and I have never been pregnant and I dont know what to do. My husband wants a baby, Please advice me what would you do

thank you,



  • Keegansmum6
    Keegansmum6 Posts: 193 Member
    I would talk to a doctor and,also continue on losing weight,295 to 260 is AMAZING =)
  • fordster99
    fordster99 Posts: 181 Member
    You are on your way and 29 isn't the end of the world. I have several friends who didn't start having children until their 30s so you still have some time. I would take more time to focus on your weight loss. You certainly don't want to start your pregnancy with these issues especially with diabetes. This could cause a number or serious and potentially fatal complications (my friend who was diabetic started having kidney failure due to her diabetes during her pregnancy). I also have to point out that you need to work on yourself now so that when you have children you can be the best example for your children you can be. Start them off right by being a healthy you. Good luck.
  • 23Brandy
    23Brandy Posts: 20 Member
    I think the easiest lifestyle that is healthy is the no sugar, no flour Dr. Gott plan. You can eat any meat, vegetable and fruit and Ezekiel bread and muffins within reason and your calorie limits. You may also have triscuits. I would not try to get pregnant until you are at a healthier weight. Your blood pressure will be too high and might cause complications. My fitness pal is your best friend and will keep you accountable. Talk to your doctor about your health risks and start walking for exercise as much as your can. Start drinking water if you don't already. Think about what's best for your future baby and that will be a great motivation to
    get healthy! Pray and ask God to help you along the way. Get rid of all the junk food in your environment, so that you only have healthy foods in the house, in your car, and at work. Carry Blue Diamond almonds with you, unsalted ones, and eat a few if you
    get hungry. Try to eat as many vegetables as you can. Take your lunch to work and try not to eat out. Spend the money on healthy food instead. Put the money aside to decorate the nursery. Stop watching tv and play the wii or take a walk with your husband.
    Be reasonable about how much you can lose in a year. One pound a week will be great. 1.5 pounds is even better. 2 is the most recommended limit. Take your measurements so you can see results in a month. You can do this!
  • shakemybooty
    shakemybooty Posts: 681 Member
    Congrats on the 35 pound loss!! I would talk to your doctor. I had kids at 31 and 35. 29 only feels old when you are 29! After your 30's 29 looks pretty good. LOL Best wishes!
  • Thank You so much for the advice. I will keep doing exercise and eat healthy and hopefully I would lose more weight. Thank you all for your advice I really appreciated

  • dlphncole
    dlphncole Posts: 19 Member
    Keep up the good work!!! 35 pounds is FANTASTIC!! I am about to be 36 and am working on my RELAX!! :) 29 is NOT old...just feels that way when you are 29. I would consult your OB if you have been trying and are not having luck. They will know what is best. I have been trying for years without luck and recently found out I had endometriosis and PCOs and hopefully, with the help of my Dr I am on track to get the ball rolling!
    Don't stress! Just keep up the good work and talk to your Dr!!!! GOOD LUCK!!! :)
  • kennedar
    kennedar Posts: 306 Member
    I would suggest a pre-conception visit with your OB or Dr to find out what their opinion is. I am currently 30 weeks pregnant and dealing with gestational diabetes. The risks to your child are huge if you have uncontrolled blood sugar during pregnancy. I would make sure that your dr is ok with all of your blood sugar levels before starting trying. If you get the OK, then go for it. You can keep up the diet while you are trying and then consult with your OB after you get pregnant. Good luck!!!
  • poustotah
    poustotah Posts: 1,121 Member
    Absolutely talk to your doctor first. When I was pregnant with my 3rd baby, I was 30, I was overweight and I had GD. I was able to safely lose weight while I was pregnant and still have a healthy baby BUT I did it with the help of the doctor.
  • honeysprinkles
    honeysprinkles Posts: 1,757 Member
    Like others have said, keep up the great work and talk with your doctors. I've never been pregnant, but I'd have to imagine that it's a more comfortable experience without diabetes and a lot of extra weight to begin with, so use that as your motivation! I've also heard that weight loss can make conceiving easier, too! I've also heard that being fit can make labor easier. My suggestion would be talk with your doctor and set some health goals for yourself to achieve before becoming pregnant, measurable and achievable goals that you can work towards! Good luck! :)
  • bonnt
    bonnt Posts: 171 Member
    I would wait so it doesn't cause complications. Also, when you are healthier, it's easier to conceive (or so I've been told during the research I did when I was trying to get pregnant). You could always talk to a dr about "not trying not preventing" while continuing to lose weight. :) Then it'll just happen when the time is right. But talk to a dr first and foremost.
  • TEE1966
    TEE1966 Posts: 21
    You are only 29, lose weight first, I had my children at 38 and 40! You have lots of time, put yourself first you do not want to get pregnant then gain more weight, it’s not healthy. Good Luck you can do this!!!
  • HaleyAlli
    HaleyAlli Posts: 911 Member
    Get healthy and give a baby a healthy place to grow and develop! You and your future little one deserve it!!
  • Thank You all you guys, I will talk with my dr.
  • alecta337
    alecta337 Posts: 622 Member
    As I am sure you know its very important to lose weight before getting pregnant. Some new studies show that women who are pregnant and obese are more likely to give birth to obese children.

    Also don't worry about getting too old to have kids. My mom didn't have me until she was 35
  • Talk with your doctor, first off. I was 265 when I got pregnant, and I gained 27 pounds. I was 292 at delivery, and the last month of my pregnancy was hell. I'm sure I would have been much more comfortable had I been at a normal weight range.
  • MaximalLife
    MaximalLife Posts: 2,447 Member
    Hello I need an advice. I weigh 260lbs and I am 5'6. I want to get pregnant this year but I am afraid because as you guys notice I am obese and diabetic. I already lost 35 lbs. I used to weigh 295, and time is passing by. I am 29 and I have never been pregnant and I dont know what to do. My husband wants a baby, Please advice me what would you do
    have a baby!
    People act like we're on planet Earth for any other reason. You folks want a family, so do it!

    And have a plan in place to get fit once that child arrives. Don't be like some of these pathetic women who use that as an excuse to become unfit. My wife had 5 of my kids, yes 5!
    And each time she worked her way back to peak fitness. We go to sporting events and most of the moms are just huge as they lumber around, unable to do much of anything.

    And there's my Jen - fit, happy and turning every eye of every guy without even trying.

    My point is that your fitness level is totally your choice. It always has been that way. Take ownership of this, and know that starting a family is not a health deal killer.

    You are still 100% in control of your fitness.
  • My advice.......Get healthy first. TRUST ME! You do not want to go thru what I did. I was almost 300lbs and diabetic. After trying for 9 years, I finally got pregnant. But I had to go to the University of Iowa hospital every week because I was considered "HIGH RISK". Ended up making it to 13 weeks and miscarried. So waited a few months and tried again. I made it to 7 weeks the 2nd time.........I finally decided I had to make the choice and wait till I lost weight and got healthy before I try again. Trust me, you will want to too. It's best to wait, than to be devistated and heartbroken.
  • I have much further to go than you do and I am 28. I have a great gynecologist who told me that things in his profession are not fair, he has women who are my same size and weight who are pregnant, and more than half of them are straight up miserable with huge complications and lots of problems and some who are doing well and the babies are healthy. He also expalined how heartbreaking it is to see someone who wants a baby so much not succeed, he told me that he wants to help and that he wants me to be healthy and have a healthy baby. He explained to me as follows....give yourself a valiant effort to try to lose the weight you need, start living very healthy and do things to improve your positive mental state. Do not give up! ...honestly 29 is not the end of the world....I have a friend whom I work with that lost 30 lbs and bam! got prego at 35 years old and another friend that is 32 lost 60 lbs and was pregnant within 3 months of diligent trying. My husband and I have been trying for about a year and a half and will never give up, we want nothing more than to be parents and it will happen for us, I will not let my positivity dwindle. Think positively and know that the changes which you are making are getting you closer to your goal. I have faith that with these changes you will succeed. I have about 100 lbs to lose and I am going to do it. My suggestion would be to consult your doctor and get a doctor whom is your fan and wants you too succeed and help you with your success. Hang in there, things will happen when they are meant and how they are meant to be.
  • Thank You for all your advice :smile:
  • Karamonster
    Karamonster Posts: 40 Member
    I feel your pain so so so much. I also weigh about 260 and want to have a baby very soon. I'm in nursing school and I've learned how important it is to be healthy BEFORE conceiving. This is a really good motivation and I hope to be pregnant by three end of this year., I wish you the very best. Add me if you like!