Completed Insanity....What next? Suggestion??

Turbo Fire looks good, but is it geared for women? I want to lose body fat, so cardio is what I am looking for. I also run 3x a week. Thoughts anyone? What is next :)


  • mindy14456
    mindy14456 Posts: 552 Member
    I love Turbo Fire and it really is not geared for women, men do it too. I did see that the next level of insanity came out, it is called insanity asylum. Sounds brutal!
  • hurwitzmm
    hurwitzmm Posts: 9 Member
    We enjoyed insanity, but it got boring after while. Did you do TF? Im looking to get great cardio!
  • Treka
    Treka Posts: 3 Member
    I completed the Asylum after Insanity. It is a very different focus and workout but I liked it. Shorter workouts and high performance training. The stregnth series is probably one of the best (and hardest) that I have ever done. Turbo Fire is fun but a real switch from Shawn T. Good Luck.
  • RonKay
    RonKay Posts: 85 Member
    I'm currently doing TF and absolutely love it! Lots of cardio and you also have HIIT workouts in there as well. I've been doing TF for about 6 weeks now and my cardio fitness has improved so much and I'm still not bored with it!

    There a lots of reviews and videos on Youtube of people doing different turbofire workouts, so you might get a better understanding of what turbofire is about from there :-)
  • MrMVP2011
    I just completed Insanity too and now I'm about to jump into the P90x/Insanity Hybrid. Turbo Fire looks nice, but not wanting to shell out the cash for it at the moment.
  • mindy14456
    mindy14456 Posts: 552 Member
    We enjoyed insanity, but it got boring after while. Did you do TF? Im looking to get great cardio!

    I am doing the turbo fire/chalean extreme hybrid right now, and I really love Turbo Fire. I haven't found myself getting bored at all and I notice I am getting a lot stronger and push harder as I get into it. The HIIT workouts that they throw in there are super high intensity and really push you to the limits. :)