Need some motivation!

I'm Sarah and I am looking for some motivation! I am at a healthy weight, but I want to really get into shape. When I was simply losing weight, motivation was easy to find every time I stepped on the scale. Now that those pesky couple of pounds are gone, I really want to get in great shape. I want to tone up and get fit! Unfortunately, visible progress in toning up comes a lot slower than dropping pounds, and I have been yoyoing. I work out every day for a week and then just give up for a week and eat a bunch of junk. Then I end up having to start all over! I really need some motivation and I hope that myfitnesspal can help!


  • alphy
    alphy Posts: 5 Member
    hi Sarah! well done on getting your weight down to a place where you're happy with it! i'm still trying to kill that bird and get toned at the same time. it seems to be a bit tricky at times and more motivation is always welcome! you can add me if you want some help and maybe together we can keep your good exercise habits going for longer than a week! good luck**
  • maryjay51
    maryjay51 Posts: 742
    if you can swing it i would suggest getting a trainer at the gym. they have performed miracles on me. i dont know where id be today if i didnt take the plunge.. financially its expensive but i found what i could afford to do and sacrificed other things like eating out or shopping so i could do it. first i joined a bootcamp fitness program which was 250 for 8 weeks ..omg what a difference in me!!!!! was the best money i ever spent on myself. then i went to personal training at a gym. i went from struggling to walk as i got out of bed to being able to survive 5k and 8k runs. all the weight and core training go me from a size 26-14 and you can see muscle definition on me too.. trainers will educate you on nutrition and exercise and be a great amount of encouragment for you. i started out with 12 sessions and they let you make payments at most gyms.

    above all make sure you get the proper amount of nourishment like protein if you are looking to build muscle. if you dont , working out will only eat away at the muscle you do have.
  • smmanda14
    Hey Sarah! I just started this today so I am still very much in the wanting to lose weight stage but I give you a lot of credit for being where you want to be! I plan on going to the gym at least 4 times a week if I can help motivate you to go as well just let me know! Sometimes it is nice to have someone to give you an extra push!
  • sarahrhodes91
    Wow sounds like you are doing amazing! Good job, that's awesome. I go to planet fitness and they actually offer free personal training but I'm always nervous that I'm not going to be able to do what they ask, which would be embarrassing! But I suppose if it helps that much, I should just suck it up and start with a personal trainer. Thanks for the advice!
  • rockchalkgrove
    rockchalkgrove Posts: 44 Member
    Feel free to add me! I will motivate you!