5ft 11 - any other tall women?? :)


I'm 5ft 11 with quite a narrow frame. When I was 22 (2004) I weighed 140lbs which was too thin for me. I was a size 8/10 (uk) and had fit into one size 6 dress. Everyone around me told me I was too thin, but of course I thought I looked great. ANYWAY, fast forward after my daughter I had significant weight gain - 210 lbs is what I weighed and was a uk 16.

From June 7th - September 3rd I lost 32lbs. I'm now inbetween a 12-14. I put on half a stone over Christmas and have joined here and am committed to losing another stone at least. I now weigh 184lbs.

My question: How low weight would you consider ok for your height???? Of course to many stopping at 160lbs still sounds big, but when you're tall it isn't. I struggle with that sometimes though :)




  • I'm 5'11" - in high school i was 145. after my second kid i ballooned up to 204 (which is where i am today) starting the new year with the commitment to loose until i'm 160, which is what i was when i got married. i think 155-160 is a very healthy weight for us gentle giants. :-). so proud that you have lost 32 lbs! amazing! i hope to do that well in 3 months! i'm pushing out of a size 16... which would really be horrible.
  • missliz89
    missliz89 Posts: 5 Member
    I'm 5'10, I gained a few pounds over the holidays so I'm around 146 right now but my goal is 135 :)
  • Dangrog - I'm sure you'll do amazing :) !!! I'm eating oats so simple porridge for breakfast and supper and have salad/jacket potato or omlette for lunch. This was my eating plan (plus zumba at least once a week) from June to Sept. Just maintained through sept til now and am now returning to my original plan for the last slog.

    I'm also aiming for between 154 and 160lbs - should be a loose 12 by then :) Good luck!!

    Wow Mis Liz, see now, I think 135 would be weigh to small for me - good for you though!!
  • i like your plan of oats and lots of salad. i'm trying to eat protein for breakfast, a sizable (but early) lunch - and then a light salad for dinner. I'm so proud of you for maintaining and that you kicked so much already.

    i've read (you can google) the formula for weight. obviously everyone is different so you have to take this loosely... but many say the ideal weight for a woman 5' tall is approx 100 lbs. for each inch... add 4-6 lbs.

    this puts you at your target weight of 155-160 under this formula. i'm sure that you can find other formulas out there that agree or disagree with you, but i'm with you... i think i would be all bones at 135! MissLiz... you're gonna be hot!