Weight gain?

Hi Everyone,
Not really a whinge , just a question/query.
I have just finished my third week and had weekly weigh in.
I started MFP at 332lbs in my first week followed my programme quite closely and lost 8lbs:bigsmile:
Second week much of the same but with a night out on the beer lost 2lbs:happy:
Third week still much of the same only this week more processed foods, MacDonalds , Chiquitos and a Chinese takeaway, gained 4lbs.:noway:
Everyday I drink at least 2 litres of water although I don't always mark them up on food diary, at the very start of the day I have half a fresh lemon squeezed into cooled boiled water.
I am a self employed Joiner and spend 5 days a week for at least 10 hours each day bending lifting carrying and all other things in between. Everyday I spend at least half an hour a day going through a stretching regime. Alternate days I do some sort of muscle building excercise and every wednesday cycle at least 30 miles in the evening.
My weekly weigh in is at the same time every saturday morning.
What could have been the problem this week, do certain foods cause the body to store water, my hips have lost 1" in 3 weeks my neck and waist have stayed the same. I am 40years old and want to be slim again.
Any advice and encouragement will be greatly received and appreciated.:smile:

Many thanks for reading
Johnny (mentalbeat)


  • Chazz0r
    Processed foods, such as McDonald's etc, have a lot of sodium in them, and sodium makes you retain water.
  • Belle_Fille
    uh the fast food perhaps!? that seems to be a given
  • Katcatters
    Katcatters Posts: 90 Member
    I definately think its the processed foods. If you reel it in again this week and try to stick to your normal unprocessed foods, it should come straight back off again. Don't give up - it's a learning curve - Good Luck!
  • MightyVoltron
    MightyVoltron Posts: 15 Member
    Beer turns to sugar once processed in the body, trainers usually recommend vodka/diet tonic (as regular tonic does in fact have calories) or vodka/lite cranberry juice. Beer is A LOT of sugar, even just one. Just remember that almost 75% percent of weight loss/gain is what we put in our mouth. Hang in there :)