
Hey all!

I just wanted some feedback really quick. I am in love with Chipotle restaurant. This has happened recently but I always want to go there. I created a new go to meal for myself there that appears to be decent. I get a burrito bowl (no tortilla) with chicken, black beans, brown rice, lettuce, and hot sauce.

What are people's opinions of eating this? Am I harming myself if this is my dinner 2-3 times a week? It ends up being around 500 calories and very filling. Just didn't want to mislead myself and end up sabotaging my diet.



  • Barneystinson
    Barneystinson Posts: 1,357 Member
    If it fits in your macros, hey why not?
  • Mindful_Trent
    Mindful_Trent Posts: 3,954 Member
    Not really sure exactly why you think it would be sabotaging your diet.... It's fairly healthy in terms of what you're eating (chicken, black beans, brown rice, lettuce, hot sauce... all pretty good!). it's probably higher in sodium than if it were home made, but as long as you're drinking enough water and watching sodium for your other meals, that's not a big deal. Calorie-wise, 500 calories for a meal is reasonable, and as long as you have the calories left to eat that - why not?

    One thought, though - if you like it that much, it would be pretty simple (and much cheaper) to make at home - and then you could control things like sodium in the meal.
  • austindperry
    austindperry Posts: 20 Member
    The reason I suspect it would sabotage my diet is simply because it is "fast food". I'm also not very knowledgeable about nutrition and the balance of proteins, carbs, and fats. So basically I didn't know if anyone would point out that it is not balanced or is high in sodium (like you pointed out...thanks!)

    I could make it at home, but the point of it is that I work full time while in school and some nights it is not very practical to make a homemade meal.

    I didn't mean to ask a dumb question, I just didn't want to fool myself into thinking it was a decent option for me.
  • felice03
    felice03 Posts: 2,644 Member
    go to their website they have the breakdown of each ingredient. I had it yesterday and mine was about 700, but I didn't eat the entire thing.
  • TMLPatrick
    TMLPatrick Posts: 558 Member
    Earlier this year, I lost 40 lbs eating chipotle's burrito bowls at least 1 time a week. As long as you come in under calories, its perfectly fine (and delicious)!
  • TinaDay1114
    TinaDay1114 Posts: 1,328 Member
    This tool is also really cool -- you can break down the ingredients you did / did not add to your meal there, and get calorie counts and breakdowns:
  • Photoology
    Photoology Posts: 121 Member
    Chipotle isn't terrible and you are doing it right with asking for the brown rice and the bowl. If it fits within your calories and what not, go for it. If you are in need of less carbs, ask for less rice... I know that I can never finish the amount of rice they give me.

    Now I am in the mood for some chipotle... lol
  • Mindful_Trent
    Mindful_Trent Posts: 3,954 Member
    The reason I suspect it would sabotage my diet is simply because it is "fast food". I'm also not very knowledgeable about nutrition and the balance of proteins, carbs, and fats. So basically I didn't know if anyone would point out that it is not balanced or is high in sodium (like you pointed out...thanks!)

    I could make it at home, but the point of it is that I work full time while in school and some nights it is not very practical to make a homemade meal.

    I didn't mean to ask a dumb question, I just didn't want to fool myself into thinking it was a decent option for me.

    Sorry - it wasn't a dumb question, I just wasn't sure exactly what your concern was. Chipotle is definitely the healthier variety of fast food, especially your particular choice of meals. I wouldn't be too concerned - you can definitely work around the sodium.

    I did the work full time / school full time at the same time thing, too - you might consider cooking up a big batch of chicken/beans/rice mixture one day a week - then pre-portion it into the containers. This would allow you to "grab and go" - just needing to add the lettuce and hot sauce - on days when you needed it (assuming you have a way to heat it up). Just an idea - I learned that cooking big batches like that is a great time saver and a way to eat home-made food even when you're really busy.
  • stephanie8625
    stephanie8625 Posts: 119 Member
    I eat it at least 2X/week. I love Chipotle !!!
    As long as it is under your calorie count you are fine !!

  • caveats
    caveats Posts: 493 Member
    If it makes you feel any better, Chipotle is what the restaurant industry would call "fast casual", not fast food. :laugh: Totally hear ya on the working + school thing. I did it for a while, too, and yeah, I NEVER had much time to cook at all (which I missed since I love cooking).

    But as far as fast casual or fast food goes, Chipotle is one of the best options out there, IMHO. Responsibly sourced ingredients and meat? Sign me up! I eat there often for lunch still if I need to grab something during my lunch hour because I'd much rather go there than other fast casual/food joints that are less healthy (fried, for example). So eat up and enjoy! And good luck with school.
  • OnWisconsin84
    OnWisconsin84 Posts: 409 Member
    Hey all!

    I just wanted some feedback really quick. I am in love with Chipotle restaurant. This has happened recently but I always want to go there. I created a new go to meal for myself there that appears to be decent. I get a burrito bowl (no tortilla) with chicken, black beans, brown rice, lettuce, and hot sauce.

    What are people's opinions of eating this? Am I harming myself if this is my dinner 2-3 times a week? It ends up being around 500 calories and very filling. Just didn't want to mislead myself and end up sabotaging my diet.


    I lost 110 pounds & ate Chipotle 3-4x a week. I always got a burrito bowl, one small scoop of rice, one small scoop of steak, and had them put sour cream, cheese & fresh tomato salsa in side cups so I always knew how much I was getting. That way I could enjoy the deliciousness of Chipotle & not have any guilt :) I joked that I should create a Chipotle diet...which I'm still contemplating ;)
  • Angierae81
    Angierae81 Posts: 24 Member
    I stick to all veggies and rice, no sour cream or qucamole (sp) and it ends up being around 237 calories. very filling... i think if its all with ur ranges for carbs, protein, and calories you should be good.
  • amycal
    amycal Posts: 646 Member
    I agree with poster above me - Chipotle is one of best options for a relatively quick meal out of the house. My mom meets with a naturopath doctor for inflammation and weight issues and he even recommends Chipotle. Their food comes from much better sources than your average restaurant - mostly grass-fed beef, lots of organic ingredients and most are gluten free (gluten is a big cause of inflammation).
  • erxkeel
    erxkeel Posts: 553 Member
    recommend Chipotlaway.
  • There's nothing wrong with Chipotle as long as you're getting something healthy on their menu.

    The sodium is the biggest factor in their meals that kills your weight loss, but if you're drinking 1-2 gallons per day anyways it doesn't really matter you will drain that over sodium use easily.

    As for me, I learned how to make everything at home almost identical to Chipotle so I could eat the same meal with about 75% less sodium intake, but the same calories and protein.
  • lq022
    lq022 Posts: 232 Member
    I think your pretty good with it ... the brown rice is definately better than white rice ... and the fact that theres no tortilla is knocking, like 400 calories off right there . ... If your worried about eating too many carbs, (or say that day, you had a sandwich or something) then just switch out the rice for extra veggies .. it might cost you more, but it'll prob be just as filling for fewer calories.

    I know alot of people have mixed emotions about eating at fast food places ... and while its not the best thing to do all the time, I think when you can find great substitutions to keep the calories in check, its just as good as homemade stuff. Oh! Theres an idea ... you could make a chipotle burrito bowl @ home ... that way the calories are REALLY in check (i love when I have ideas in the process of writing something haha)

    Good luck!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Ilike chipotle, I get the chicken tacos. I noticed the sodium is very high, but personally, I don't track sodium.
    It's not fried, and it's whole, real foods.
    500 cals and 42 grams of protein (
    is really pretty awesome for eating out. As a guy I am sure you could get more calories with dinner.
  • inskydiamonds
    inskydiamonds Posts: 2,519 Member
    I would just be aware of the sodium in Chipotle's food.
  • austindperry
    austindperry Posts: 20 Member
    You guys are awesome!

    Chipotle it is. I think I'll tell them to slow their role with the rice though, they always go overboard!