Want to Join me in Training for a 15K? Starts today!

I am running my 1st 15K on March 10th - the Gate River Run in Jacksonville, FL. I am going to follow the Hal Higdon's 15K Training Guide: Novice Runners - Training for your first 15K. (http://www.halhigdon.com/15Ktraining/15Knovsch.htm) It technically started yesterday with Stretching and Strengthening but the 1st run is today; 2 miles. I will be switching the 4th and 5th week because I am going to participate in a 5 miles race on January 28th and since the 5th week has a 5 mile run on Saturday I am going to switch the weeks to stay on track and do my "easy" week the week after.

Does anyone want to join me in training? You don't have to do a race at the end if you don't want to!

BTW - I will be posting how I am doing, successes and fall backs, on my blog: HonestyismyDiet (http://honestyismydiet.blogspot.com/) if you just want to follow me. :)


  • I am training for my first race - ever which is a 10K on March 10th. Have you done a 10K before? I have increased my runnign over the last couple of months and am doing my first time trial on a 5K this week just to figure out what my goal should be for time. I am working with the Lifetime run coach for the programming week to week and she has me running 3 days and doing strength one day a week.

    I will try and follow you since your race is on the same day. Our race ends in a green beer bash so it didn't sound too scary.
  • I have never done a 10K before, but have done a few 5Ks. Last year at the 15K I am doing this year I did my very 1st 5K (it's either a 15 or 5K). I told myself that in 2012 I would do the 15K and I am not backing down. I have never run really over a 5K before in my life. i did a 4.2 miler on a treadmill one time but it was walk/run. I am nervous but think it is possible.

    The training program I am following has be running 3 days too with 2 days of cross trianing which is basically anything you want so I am going to swim. It also has a strength & stretching day and an off/ rest day. It all seems feasible so I am going for it.

    Yay your race is the same day that is exciting! We will definitely have to stay in touch and encourage each other!!! I am doing a 5K on Jan 28th kinda for the same reasons - there are 2 bridges in teh 15K and one of them is in the 5 miler on Jan. 28th. I have never run over a bridge before so it is good practice. Plus it will be a good way to see how I am doing and hopefully give me the self-esteem to know that I can do it!