New Tracy Anderson fan

hi im on 15 days and lost just under 2kg, 4kg to go. any tracy anderson fans out there? thanks


  • I have been doing Tracy Anderson's Method for 2 years and it has been amazing! I am glad to see someone on here who is a fan. Are you currently doing meta? I am almost done with meta and will begin continuity sometime in February.
  • stephr2014
    stephr2014 Posts: 311 Member
    Im doing the mat method and I love it! =)
  • sesefeeney
    sesefeeney Posts: 71 Member
    woop woop!!!!
    never find any tracy addicts on here! been doing tracy for a year now and i looovvveee her. i did meta to level 5, but had an injury so had to stop and start again. so now on level two but this time i'm a bit more sensible lol!! i include a lot of other types of strength training as tracy's muscle work makes me feel weak which is the opposite of what i like to feel like post work out!!! but i do love it especially her rebounder workout!!! i'm addicted to it!!!
  • Silvercivic
    Silvercivic Posts: 156 Member
    I did Tracy's post-pregnancy workout DVD and I loved it! It really transformed my body. I haven't done it in a while as I've been going to the gym instead. (easier to workout when my kids are in the nursery at the gym rather than trying to do it at home) But now I feel like popping the DVD in the player...hmm....maybe tonight.... :)
  • pookiebear11
    pookiebear11 Posts: 16 Member
    I love Tracy's workouts too! I would love it if there was a group on here for TA fans. I recently got booted from the Success Stories group on Facebook when they chopped membership from 1000 to 250. Anybody interested?
  • stephr2014
    stephr2014 Posts: 311 Member
    Im really looking into buying her metamorphasis program!
  • sugarplumj
    sugarplumj Posts: 107 Member
    I am on Level 8 - Meta-Hipcentric- and looooove it. I am really debating starting Continuity. Any feedback from anyone who has done it?
  • Lanna74
    Lanna74 Posts: 203 Member
    I really like her Mat Workout DVD. I am now doing it along with Turbo Fire and I feel great. It's true though, there aren't too many people who know who Tracy is on MFP.

    Begin a group and I'll join!
  • I'm doing meta! Soo hoping you can help! I do the dc on a rebounder (hurts my knees slightly less) I log it on mfp as low impact cardio do you think this is right? Also do you put down the ms work on mfp? I've been so unsure about this! :indifferent:
  • I love Tracy's workouts too! I would love it if there was a group on here for TA fans. I recently got booted from the Success Stories group on Facebook when they chopped membership from 1000 to 250. Anybody interested?

    I got booted to! :angry: thught this was so not in the spirit of things! It otivates me so much when I read how well others are doing!
  • HeidiYogi
    HeidiYogi Posts: 81 Member
    Hi sugarplumj and TAM friends! I also love Tracy and am on The first Continuity days 121-130 so level 13 if you want to call it that! Her method is absolutely amazing and I plan on sticking with her! What is the Facebook success stories page you are talking about? Oh and btw, I'm doing Meta Hipcentric. When I first started TAM I worked out 6 days a week and did her food program. I'm now working out about 4 days a week sometimes more and just trying to eat healthy balanced meals. Her food plan DID help me find out some food allergies I wasn't aware of so that was good. :). Xoxo! Heidi.