Looking for friends

Hi Everyone

I'm Sibby. Was on here before but kind of fell of the wagon. Anyway, I'm back and would love some friends with similar goals for mutual encouragement.

I'm 5'11" & currently 265.7lbs looking to get to about 175lbs


  • lovelyrose11
    lovelyrose11 Posts: 609 Member
    I just sent you a request :)
  • Welcome back!! Plenty of people have been on and off the weight wagon, including myself. I sent you a friend request.
  • I sent you a friend request also. Hopefully we can help each other along the way.
  • loves2tap
    loves2tap Posts: 36 Member
    hello and welcome back! we do have smiliar weightloss goals ( i'm 5'9"...over 200 and would like to get to 160's) and i would love to add someone for mutual support. =) good luck on your journey!
  • nikicrin
    nikicrin Posts: 40 Member
    areet sibby!!!

    im niki and although we havent got similar goals on paper, i reckon we do in the bigger picture :) eat well, get fit, be happy in ourselves?!

  • stephj1216
    stephj1216 Posts: 75 Member
    I'm kinda in the same wagon and am looking for friends as well. I tend to go off and on the weight wagon and forget to post alot of times but this time I'm back and I'm sticking to it. Let's help each other along the way!
  • I'm not as tall as you but am a similar weight so we can always encourage each other :happy:

    will send you a friend request.
  • Request sent!