Please help, I weigh 260 lbs. and want to get pregnant, plea



  • Have you been tested for PCOS? talk to your PCP and OB/GYN, they can help you lose weight, which will help tremendously and also if you have a health condition like PCOS, (which I also have, and I have a baby who is about to turn 1 in 9 days) there is medicine they can prescribe you to assist you in getting pregnant! You most definitely need to find out WHY you haven't gotten pregnant yet and than you and the doctors can focus on getting you pregnant!
  • Thank You, I have being married for 8 yrs, and the the whole time we have been protecting ourselves, well my husband has. So I am not sure if I can have a baby, but we wanted to try this year because time is passing by, I know that if i get pregnant I need to take care of myself very well, but I just wonder if it is possible to have a healthy baby with being obese and diabetic.
  • hkystar
    hkystar Posts: 1,290 Member
    I highly recommend a lot of the advice here. Talk to your dr (or OBGYN). Continue to work hard at losing weight but also go NPNT (no more birth control just letting nature do its thing). You can have a baby at 29 (and being 260). women do it all the time. You can do it that heavy and still have no complications!

    If you truely want to have a family, dont let your weight stop you. BUT dont let that be a reason you arent continuing to do your weightloss/getting healthy.

    My story: I lost 50lbs here in 2010. I found out at the end of the year that I was pregnant (after being told that having a baby would be difficult). I had midwife after midwife tell me I was likely going to have gestational diabetes (never developed it). While pregnant, I worked out as best I could and watched what I ate as best I could. I was 196 when I got pregnant, I gave birth around 226. I was back to 196 at 3 months post baby! I even did a 1/2 marathon (my first) at 27 weeks pregnant.

    You can do it!
  • ljb82
    ljb82 Posts: 72 Member
    I can very much relate to your longing for a baby!! I have a 7 year old and would love to have another (I am also 29 years old) but from past experiences I know that I need to be at a healthy weight for the pregnancy. So do your future child a favor and take care of yourself first!
    Also would you like to be friends? I feel that I can relate to your situation and would like to share weight loss ideas and sucesses :)
  • i had my daugher a month before my 31st birthday and i was 270lbs when i got pregant lucky for me i didnt gain much weight during my pregnancy but the last two months was very difficult for me to move around. im now 30lb heaver not only did i not lose teh 8lbs i gained, i gained more due to me a new mom and eating my stress away. Trust me lose the weight before you get pregnant.
  • ericapage
    ericapage Posts: 108 Member
    Yes, you can have a healthy baby if you are diabetic and overweight. I did but it wasn't a fun journey. I also had to visit the dr. every week and get lots of tests since I was high risk. I was a nervous wreck until the HBA1c test came back under 5 which meant my sugars were good 2 months prior to my conception and 1 month into it. If sugars are high, then the risk of the baby not forming properly or having other issues is higher. Once my son was born, he had to be in NICU for 2 days so they could regulate his blood sugar. I guess when babies are born to a diabetic, some may have a hard time regulating thier own sugars the first few days. So they had to poke his poor little heal every hour for 2 days. It was all black and I just felt terrible! Anyway, I know how it feels to long for a child. Just try to look at the bigger picture- the health of you and your future baby. I recommend losing some more weight first and keeping a really close eye on your blood sugar for at least a few months prior to conceiving. I wish you all the best on your path to getting healthy and starting a family!
    Thank You, I have being married for 8 yrs, and the the whole time we have been protecting ourselves, well my husband has. So I am not sure if I can have a baby, but we wanted to try this year because time is passing by, I know that if i get pregnant I need to take care of myself very well, but I just wonder if it is possible to have a healthy baby with being obese and diabetic.
  • ericapage
    ericapage Posts: 108 Member
    Yes, you can have a healthy baby if you are diabetic and overweight. I did but it wasn't a fun journey. I also had to visit the dr. every week and get lots of tests since I was high risk. I was a nervous wreck until the HBA1c test came back under 5 which meant my sugars were good 2 months prior to my conception and 1 month into it. If sugars are high, then the risk of the baby not forming properly or having other issues is higher. Once my son was born, he had to be in NICU for 2 days so they could regulate his blood sugar. I guess when babies are born to a diabetic, some may have a hard time regulating thier own sugars the first few days. So they had to poke his poor little heal every hour for 2 days. It was all black and I just felt terrible! Anyway, I know how it feels to long for a child. Just try to look at the bigger picture- the health of you and your future baby. I recommend losing some more weight first and keeping a really close eye on your blood sugar for at least a few months prior to conceiving. I wish you all the best on your path to getting healthy and starting a family!
    By the way, he was totally fine after those first couple of days. :)
  • First, you should be really proud of yourself for that weight loss. That is fantastic!

    Secondly, I understand where you are coming from. I'm also 29 and I'd like to start having children next year. I want to start off my pregnancy healthy so I can be the best for my baby. It's one of the driving forces I have to lose 60lbs.

    I understand your desire you start your family now, but I think it would be best for you and your baby to start it off at a healthy weight. It sounds like you have come so far already and if you keep at it, you will be down to your goal in no time. If you wait until then, you will have an easier pregnancy, labor, delivery and you will have more energy to stay up all hours of the night with a crying child.

    Definitely speak with your doctor about your desires and have an honest conversation with your husband. I'm sure he wants a healthy mommy for his baby and I'm sure he'll respect your decision if you choose to put your health first for now.

    Good luck!
  • paigebolling
    paigebolling Posts: 65 Member
    It is not immpossible to have a baby at th weight. I got pregnant with my daughter at 250lbs. However, I was not diabetic and didn't develop GD. I was very very lucky. I had to return to the dr several times to have my sugar tested and it was so much aggravation. I ended up having a c-section. I'll never know completely for sure but could have been because of my weight. It was an emergency c-section after almost 24 hours of labor and the recovery was something I wouldn't wish upon my worst enemy. I wasn't able to care for my own baby the way I had thought about and planned to take care of her. I literally didn't change her first diaper until she was almost 1 week old because I couldn't lean over. The pain was too much. My advice would be to loose a little more weight. If its type 2 diabetes get it under control first if possible then attempt for the baby. The pregnancy would be much more comfortable and relaxed. My mother was 32 when she had my brother with no complications. 29 is not old or too old to have a baby! Good Luck!
  • You are only 29, lose weight first, I had my children at 38 and 40! You have lots of time, put yourself first you do not want to get pregnant then gain more weight, it’s not healthy. Good Luck you can do this!!!

    I agree I had 7 children and I am still losing the weight. PLUS you put yourself at greater risk of bad things when you are unhealthy with your weight and stress you put on yourself. After the last baby I got Congested Heart failure linked t the weight I was 208
  • reneeileen
    reneeileen Posts: 455 Member
    Congrats on the loss so far. I was 267 when I started my fitness journey for the same reason. I'm also 29 and about to get married. I want to start a family with the person I love. It is pretty compelling motivation. From my experience these are my thoughts:

    You are not alone. Please don't feel alone in this.

    Whatever you have been doing to lose weight so far has worked for you and you have an opportunity to refine your strategy. This is a great place to do that. Find your fitness stride. Find your nutrition stride. Find some support.

    See your doc for a physical. Be clear about your goals. He/She will understand what you are trying to achieve and will respect the steps you have already taken to reach your goal. If you don't feel respected, find a new doc! I made a one year plan with my doc and I have an open door to a OB consult or a follow up if I feel like I want to refine our strategy. My doc was awesome and I totally appreciate her.

    If you'd like to add me as a friend feel free. I'm always happy to motivate and be motivated by others that are serious about their goals. There is nothing more serious than trying to find your happiness.
  • PaigeJMP
    PaigeJMP Posts: 25 Member
    Everyone who says "talk to your doctor" is right. but make sure you have a knowledgeable doctor and consider getting more than one opinion. I have had 2 kids, i wasn't overweight when i got pregnant, and i gained about 40 pounds with each one (and lost it, almost all...) anyway, i have some friends who were quite overweight when they became pregnant, and what they experienced, and it is very normal, but doctors won't tell you this, is that you don't have to gain much weight to maintain a healthy pregnancy if you are already overweight/obese when you become pregnant. your body already has the energy stored (fat), and you could expect to gain some weight towards the end of the pregnancy but nothing like the 40 lbs i gained.
    you need to be aware that taking time to gain a better state of health is better for you as well as the baby.
  • agentscully514
    agentscully514 Posts: 616 Member
    29,, you're a baby yourself!! relax!!!! and do what your doctor says.
  • Puddykat1026
    Puddykat1026 Posts: 164 Member
    I'm 30 and 5' tall. I started at 205 & I'm trying to get down to 140 before I even attempt a pregnancy. Being overweight is hard on my petite frame, so I can't imagine carrying a child as well. My gyno suggested losing as much weight as possible & get as healthy as I can so I can have a healthy pregnancy. I realize that I don't have all the time in the world, however I'd rather do it right than mourn the loss of a fetus or infant because of something I could control. Best of luck to you! Feel free to add me.