need a few friends on here to keep me motivated!!

Hi my name is Stacy. I'm 29 and a single mom of 4 children. I started my weight loss in Aug and lost 23 lbs but the holidays came and I gained 7 back. So I'm starting over. I have about 50 pounds to lose 65 at the most. So if you are in the same boat I am please fell free to add me :) thank you. Luke 9:23


  • Hi! I am 28 and the mother of 2! I started trying to get back to a HEALTHY weight in October...dumb idea because of the holidays! BUT if I want watching it then Im sure I would have gone WAY over board. I started back strong yesterday and feeling good. Cant wait to see some results!
  • skagirlins
    skagirlins Posts: 1 Member
    Hi Stacy! I am 28 and need to lose about 60lbs as well! No kids, but I understand how busy you probably are - I am a workaholic, so I know how hard it can to be to find time for yourself to eat right and workout! You can do it! I have lost 10lbs this year, but didn't join my fitness pal until a few months ago!
  • KEN1013
    KEN1013 Posts: 182 Member
    me me me!!!!!!:wink::wink: :wink:
  • HI - Everyone! Im 26, have lost 40 lbs in the past 2 1/2 years and slacked off for the last year. I want to lose another 25 lbs to hit my goal weight. I have used myfitnesspal before but never stuck to it. Thinking 2012 is the year that I hit my goal weight! :wink: