Cancer Can Be Beaten

I am a 26 year old female who was diagnosed with cancer about 2 years ago. I was 95-100 lbs throughout all of high school then started gaining weight slowly without noticing, till it starting getting bad. So at the age of 24 my doctor told be that I had cancer and that I would have to start chemo right away. All the medications have not helped with the weight and now I'm trying to get back on track. I had a surgery to remove what they could in Dec 2010 and have been cancer free since. Health is very important and sometimes you don't realize it until it's to late.


  • vdlomas
    vdlomas Posts: 36
    Yes cancer can be beaten, I totally agree with you, I myself am a breast cancer survivor.. Now its time for me to get rid of the extra pounds I gained during chemo.
  • kezzavee
    kezzavee Posts: 15 Member
    I too have had breast cancer , I start my radiotherapy tomorrow, so I am having a fresh start, as I have not been able to exercise during chemo!
  • I know I am not the only one to go through this but that is why we are special ...because we become a big team.
  • hpsnickers1
    hpsnickers1 Posts: 2,783 Member
    Cancer and tumor cells feed on glucose. The best diet you can give yourself is low-carb (i.e. low-sugar) and a high fat diet. Especially saturated fat.
  • Thank you.