Anyone use the MFP app on iPod?

Has anyone used the MFP app on an iPod (Touch)? I'm going to be getting one for my birthday so I can use the apps but wasn't sure how well it worked or if people really liked it compared to other possible nutrition/fitness tracking apps. Suggestions are encouraged! Thanks for your help.


  • noisician
    noisician Posts: 1 Member
    Yes, I really only use it on my iPod Touch. I think this may in fact be the best possible form factor because of it's portability. I usually have the iPod with me so it is always convenient to enter food as I eat it. And the camera on the iPod makes it even easier when the food I'm eating has a bar code to scan.

    I also occasionally use MFP on an iPad or PC, but having it on an iPhone/iPod Touch is the best. (for the iPod you do need WiFi to link to the food database)

    I can't really compare MFP to other apps (I haven't tried any) but it has everything I wanted -- i.e., making it extremely easy to keep track of the calories I'm consuming.
  • cls09
    cls09 Posts: 38
    I use the app daily, I am always updating my food diary and exercise right from the app which automatically syncs to the website when I log on. It is actually just like the website, you can leave comments or message people, it very user friendly. I have an iPhone4, but from my understanding iPods work just as well (you may need WiFi in order to use the apps though, not positive).
  • Bubs05
    Bubs05 Posts: 182 Member
    I used the iPod/iPhone app on my iPad until MFP recently released an iPad app. You will need wifi in order to synchronize with the MFP database but it works well.
  • melsmith612
    melsmith612 Posts: 727 Member
    Thanks everyone, this is very encouraging! I won't worry much about wi-fi connections... I have wi-fi at home and live in a pretty well populated area that has lots of free wi-fi spots hanging around. The only exception to that is at my work (where the wi-fi is on lock down) but I have my desktop computer to use there instead. Thanks again and please continue to respond if you have any different suggestions or experiences.
  • vettermr
    It's the main reason I've had any success cause it's on my iphone/ipod so it's easily accessible. very easy to use too.
  • innerbetty
    innerbetty Posts: 59 Member
    The App on my iPhone is how I discovered MFP in the first place. I like the portability of it, and support at the touch of a button rather than logging on. The only issue I have with it is not being able to access the forums.
  • utayah
    utayah Posts: 43
    I love using mpf on my ipod touch. Very portable and easy to update throughout the day.
  • 12Junes
    12Junes Posts: 10
    I use the app on iphone and ipad. I prefer the app over the internet. I thought I would miss out on benefits of the forum, but the facebook-like status updates are support enough. I haven't tried the ipad version yet, but plan to load it soon.
  • tafinney
    tafinney Posts: 18 Member
    I use the iPad app every day. It is very well written.
  • alund60
    Yes, I use it all the time it is very convenient especially while on the go. Definitely keeps you on track while out of the house.

    Good luck
