busy working mom needs likewise friends for motivation!

Hi everyone - I am a single mom of two wonderful exhausting kids (ages 3 & 5), I work full time at an office job, I hate working out, and will use every excuse in the book not to do so. I also love all things that have to do with cheese or chocolate. With that said, I need to loss a little weight, trim the belly area, and get into shape but I have to find the TIME to do it all and the motivation not to finish off that bowl of mac & cheese my daughter didn't eat.

Can you relate?

My goal is to loss inches off my waist and get into shape so I can be healthy for kids.


  • I can somewhat relate. I am a very busy person as well. I work full time and go to pastry arts school full time as well (crazy, I know!). I am trying to lose weight so that I can be in decent shape to have children.

    Friend request is on the way!
  • peckle123
    peckle123 Posts: 28 Member
    I can so relate , full time office job , two boys 11 & 13 and I cant stand exercise. My love of food has resulted in a need to lose 60lbs. Time is always an issue. But feeling very motivated. And want to get fit for family ski trip
  • I can relate. I have two children also 14 & 8 that never want to eat or do the samething. Plus a full time desk job. I always have these real good plans on what I'm going to cook for supper, or maybe we'll go on a family walk after dinner, but you know what always happens. No one wants to at what i cooked, or they want to eat something different. then oneone wants to go for a walk, by this time of day i'm just glad to have supper out of the way & now time to start showers, check homework. try to spend some quality time with them. Then it's already past time for bed. I ALWYS SEEM TO RUN LATE!!! SO YES I RELATE!
  • Dmarten
    Dmarten Posts: 19
    I totally understand. I am a single mother of 4, my daughter is grown and moved out, however I have 3 teenage boys. I work full time and then some, run my own business so there is never actually time "away" from the job, always on my mind, ugh!!! If Im not sitting in my truck driving 12 hours plus a day , I am sitting in my office catching up on paperwork.. I dont mind working out though, as long as it isnt boring and I can fit it in. I have made myself workout faithfully 6 days a week for about 3 1/2 wks, I love tae bo (my back doesnt) so I got this Hip Hop Abs DVDs from beachbody, I love it , 30 to 45 mins and you basically dance ( which I am NO good at , at all) I have lost 7.5 lbs and trimmed inches , not sure how many , I never measured. Good luck, I am new to this site too
  • kimmie185
    kimmie185 Posts: 550 Member
    I can relate to the single mom thing, it's alot of hard work. I also go to school full time, work part time, own my own small business, and then try to fit in exercize and good eatings all in between. :/

    Please feel free to add me. :flowerforyou:
  • Jessica0982
    Jessica0982 Posts: 209 Member
    I work full time and I’m a Mom to a 5 yr old boy. I’m married but might as well be single as my husband does nothing to help me out when it comes to our son. But since this is a fitness board and not a marriage board, I’ll spare you the boring details of my married life. 

    I struggle quite a bit because my meals when I’m dieting don’t jive with what my 5 yr old will eat. So I’m making two meals. Which sucks. I don’t know how to really get around that. Because he’s not a fan of fish unless it’s fish sticks. He likes chicken but only cooked certain ways. He’s not really picky but with a diet or moreso with just eating healthier, it takes more thought on my end and sometimes between working and just taking care of the house, my brain is just fried.

    I have joined the gym again but I’m nervous that my son will suffer. I don’t get home from picking him up from preschool until 5:30 pm. If I go to the gym after work, which I may do, I can only do that twice a week because it throws us all off schedule. I’m trying to stick with earlier bedtimes for him and if I want to do that, I can’t take a break to workout. Mornings are an option, but damn, that’s getting up at 4:30 am to get to the gym for an hour work out and back home to get him ready for preschool.

    Excuses? I like to say they’re not excuses. It’s just life that gets in the way. But I’m trying like HELL to make time. Because I’m over this extra 30 lbs!!