Logging FitBit Info

I'm thinking about getting a FitBit - if you have one, what do you do to log the info you get from it in here. i.e. it tells you that you walked 5 miles that day and tells you what you've burned total, not all of the calories burned would have come from the 5 miles right? Since it's measuring your whole day of calories burned not just your walking etc? I'm just unsure how to log things and without being clear on that I'm hesitant to buy one....


  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    I use a Fitbit. I don't log my food on the Fitbit site, too difficult. What I do is put my daily burn in my Food Notes on MFP along with what my deficit was for the day, after I've finished logging (feel free to look at yesterday's diary in my profile). I also have an Excel spreadsheet where I track all that as well as my weight.
  • JaimeBrown5
    Any other opinions as well?
  • sasfitter
    sasfitter Posts: 4 Member
    I have a fitbit. I've used it for over a year and have just registered here at MFP the last couple of days. Logging food in Fitbit is doable but it isn't as nice as on this site. But I think with time, the FitBit database will be just as big as this one.

    With Fitbit, I like it because it tells me how active I am in a day outside of structured exercise. If I walk on a treadmill for 30 minutes, or walk in the mall for 30 minutes - one I call structured, the other I don't, it still registers those same steps. I register any activity in Fitbit that is not recordableby the device - like attending a Hot Yoga class - can't wear the device in there but still want to count the activity/calories.

    How I am going to register the findings out of FITBIT into this program - I have no idea yet as I'm still new here.
    If I walk 30 minutes on the treadmill - I register it here and if I just want to record that I actually got on the treadmill that day, I record it as an activity in Fitbit as well (still keeps my steps/mileage the same).

    I like the Fitbit because it is small and compact and I can record my sleep patterns with it.

    I also saw the other day that they are going to have a link between MFP and Fitbit where you can update to FITBIT your information from MFP (Not the other way around unfortuantely). In the last year, they have improved their application by a huge amount.

    Not sure I answered your question.... :)
  • JaimeBrown5
    Bump - still debating this. I've talked it over with a friend who might get one too... but we can't figure out the best way to log it. I want to be able to input something from it into my daily exercise so it counts it towards my workout goals and daily calorie allowance (and comparing the two daily burn numbers at the end of the day so they match). But HOW?!
  • cclark1203
    cclark1203 Posts: 244 Member
    I'm thinking about getting a FitBit - if you have one, what do you do to log the info you get from it in here. i.e. it tells you that you walked 5 miles that day and tells you what you've burned total, not all of the calories burned would have come from the 5 miles right? Since it's measuring your whole day of calories burned not just your walking etc? I'm just unsure how to log things and without being clear on that I'm hesitant to buy one....

    I just received my fitbit 2 days ago, today I found out how to sync fitbit with mfp and it is absolutely awesome. They talk back and forth. MFP says to log all your food into this site and also to use the stop watch counter for your exercise. I used a link that was in the community general informatiion on the fitbit site and all you do after you read the info is to click a button and it does it all automatically. I just checked and it relayed infor both ways. I am glad because I like food logging much better on MFP. Right now it's on page 4 in the general info community, the thread is titled MyFitnessPal and there is a link to complete this.
  • cclark1203
    cclark1203 Posts: 244 Member
    You can now go to the tools section on this site and link your fitbit to MFP. If you do that you only have to log your food here, which is good since I like this site for that much better. As long as you have the base plugged in they talk to each other all day. The only thing I am still trying to figure out is that Fitbit gives you calories just for moving around and logs it as exercise and adds it to your daily calories on MFP. On MFP we are used to only really logging our workouts as extra calories. It's pretty interesting though and I really like it.