Newbie looking for some motivation

Hi All,

Im relatively new to this site ( joined end of nov but havent really done much yet... so starting from now!) and just begining to suss out how it all works. ive downloaded the app for my phone and it seems to be easy to track everything, just now need to stick to it!

Ive done WW before and managed to keep the stone i lost off but still have another 7-10lbs to get to where i want and WW just wasnt doing it so i thought id try something else. Im 5ft 3, size 8 & 125 lbs at present- however the last bit seems to be the hardest to come off :(

How has everyone else found this program? Anyone out there with similar stats/goals?

Thanks :happy:


  • DoreenN
    DoreenN Posts: 60
    I have the same goals as you...About your height same weight just needing to lose a few more lbs. THe last 5-10 lbs are the hardest to lose. But you are doing a good job coming on here so you lose it the right way with the right amt and balance of diet and exercise.
    I am a personal trainer and fitness instructor who is just trying to get rid of the last of the pregnancy weight(although Ive always struggled with weight)
    Friend me if you would like I would love to help you stay motivated any way I can! :o)
  • thatsnumberwang
    thatsnumberwang Posts: 398 Member
    Hi there, I joined MFP a while ago but just started making friends and using the forums recently. I've found it really helpful! I have similar stats if you'd like to add me.
  • Hi! My goal is similar. I have 10 pounds left to lose. I need to keep tracking my food and exercising more. Add me and we can keep each other accountable!
  • packerfan1
    packerfan1 Posts: 93 Member
    Hi and welcome! Love this site. I have lost 28 pounds since starting in Aug. I have about 9 more to go!
  • fitzie63
    fitzie63 Posts: 508 Member
    Here is what I send to new MFP friends:

    Welcome to my Heart Healthy World
    The Making of the New You

    Welcome to the beginning of your new, healthier lifestyle. You have embarked on a great program where you are the only one “in charge” of your own personally developed nutrition and exercise program on My Fitness Pal (MFP).

    From my age of 18 until the present, more than a 55 year adult life span, I have lost and re-gained from between 30 to 75 pounds in my life so many times (the yo-yo dieting syndrome), if I had not done that I would weigh over 800 pounds (IF I was still alive).

    On 15 November 2010, a good friend and I were visiting ladies in our church and I was telling her how depressed I was over my frustration in trying to stop being overweight. She told me how one of her adult sons (she & her husband raised 10 children) had lost a whole lot of weight using this free online food and exercise diary program. I went home that afternoon and checked the web site carefully and said, “YES”! I started the program the next morning.

    From that first day, 16 November 2010, I started accurately weighing or measuring (depending upon the food/fluid item), leveling off all excess quantities & recording it all on MFP. You may look at my photos and statistics and scoff while thinking that I didn’t have very much weight to lose. Please consider this, 35 extra pounds on my short, very small body frame is not much different than 75 or even 100 extra pounds on a taller person with a larger body frame. It has taken me more than nine very long, very slow months to shed all but the last 1.1 pounds.

    To begin, you should have the proper tools for accuracy and ease of staying with your program. Those are:

    A digital food scale
    An individual set of 4 measuring cups: ¼ c, 1/3 c, ½ c, 1 c
    An individual set of measuring spoons: ¼ tsp., ½ tsp., 1 tsp., 1 tblsp.
    A small, straight blade spatula or knife for leveling off all excess quantities

    START THINKING DIFFERENTLY but do NOT think “diet”. Use the lighter, lower calorie mayonnaise (that has olive oil). Look at the various brands of lower calorie margarine spreads that also have olive oil. SHOP DIFFERENTLY in the SUPERMARKET. Allow a lot more time when you shop. Do NOT pick up items and put them in the shopping cart until you have carefully READ every single label. REMEMBER THIS: All ingredients are listed in order of highest quantity to lowest. If the first 4 items on the ingredients say: salt, sodium, corn syrup or any form of sugar, dextrose, maltose, or other sugar forms, buy something else. High sodium contents will prevent you from losing weight well & can cause water retention as well as cardiac overload. When we’re packing around all those extra pounds, our hearts are already over-worked. All our body systems work as a team so when one organ system is out of whack, so is everything else. Prepared or frozen foods are nearly always overloaded with sodium and fats. Low calorie is not always low sugar nor low fat. “Healthy” is not always labeled correctly. Once you become an avid “label reading shopper”, you will learn which items work best for you and which ones to avoid.

    Beware of well-meaning family members, friends or even co-workers who think they know what is best for you. You are the only person who knows how you feel and what will help you become successful in achieving your personal healthy goal. I believe in your unique ability to be successful. You can and will succeed if you keep following your program faithfully by taking things one meal at a time/one day at a time on a continuous basis. I have had some former MFP users complain about “too much counting”. It does not take me any more extra time to take the proper measuring spoon to level off my single PORTION of mayonnaise or mustard that it used to by just dipping the spoon in the jar and dumping a lump of stuff on the plate, the food or the bread. Then we have, what I call, the “enablers”. Those are the people who consciously or even sub-consciously, are out to keep you from being successful. They’re the “Oh, just one little piece of this dessert I made just for you won’t hurt you”. Or, I made all your favorite recipes for your birthday, Christmas dinner, etc. Just tell them that you’ve developed some difficult ALLERGIES and are under medical supervision (do not tell them anything more than that). You don’t have to tell them that the “allergies” make you “break out in FAT”. Then we have the proverbial, “You’re getting so thin, you’re going to get sick and end up in the hospital” types. They may even try to carry on by telling medical horror stories how someone they knew who ended up dying because of blah, blah, etc. Change the subject quickly and keep the conversation light and comfortable.

    MFP tells us how much of each items chosen is ONE PORTION. It is up to us to tell the computer how much of the portion we plan to have or did have. I call this program a “no brainer” because the computer does all the work for me. All I have to do is look up the item in the database and select the correct product. Watch out for all the idiots who’ve monkeyed around with the database by putting in their own screwball versions of many items. As you first begin, keep that product label handy as you do your food diary recording so you can check before you add that item to your diary. As time goes on, you’ll understand how this works better.

    You will soon get into the mode of thinking of “eat this…not that” of the items that you enjoy having that are working to help you reach your successful heart healthy ultimate goal.

    GOAL SETTING: Please be extra kind to yourself and not set impossible goals. Think in terms of short-term, reachable goals for now. I started by using Dr. Mehmet Oz’s “Just 10” program, i.e. thinking in terms of just reaching the next set of 10 pounds off short-term goal.

    I’m personally in this for the “long haul”. That means, I will be doing this for the rest of my life as long as the program is available and I have the capability of using it. If I stop keeping a daily food diary or stop weighing, measuring, etc., I know that I’ll end up piling the fat pounds right back on and never get them off again. Last November, I was in a full-blown DIABETES state and was sick all the time. I refuse to put my body through that ever again.

    You WILL be successful because you’re a WINNER. I strongly believe that and believe in your ability to keep on winning.

    Remember, you are in charge~~~no one else can ever take your place!

    It's all in how deeply you are committed to becoming and staying heart healthy.
  • cprice05
    cprice05 Posts: 82 Member
    I have similar end goals as you but further to go. I sent you a friend request. =)
  • ashleygeex26
    ashleygeex26 Posts: 68 Member
    Hi all!! I am new to this whole aspect of the site. I have tried a few other times, but didn't really know how it worked. I am starting fresh for a new year and I am looking for some friends to help with the motivation!

    I have a goal of losing about 40-50 pounds. I am 22 years old, 5'8" and now that I am out of college I need to lose the freshman 50!
  • I thought this was an incredibly knowledgeable post. I've been really doing good over the last 5 days. I love logging in and keeping track of my food and exercise. I run my home and finances like a business and I've been very successful with it over the last year. Now if I can run my fitness the same way I know I'm going to be feeling a lot better sooner.
  • 12Tryit
    12Tryit Posts: 10 Member
    Hi. I have similar goals and will send a friend request. :smile: