Breakfast Help?



  • sssygirl
    sssygirl Posts: 55 Member
    Great ideas everyone!
    Here is my 2 cents.

    A great way to spice up your Oats....
    cook it with Almond Milk
    Add 1 small chopped fresh apple ( I like honeycrisp or fuji)
    add some cinnamon and a few walnuts

    Its like eating a cobbler! You can also use a fresh peach or any favorite fruit..YUM!

    I also like making protein shakes with protein power, banana, peanut butter and almond milk.

    Fiber one cereal with frozen blueberries and crumbled walnuts

    English Muffin with ham, apple slices and light cheddar cheese.
  • trkinsky
    trkinsky Posts: 63 Member
    I always try to get started with balance in the AM. Target some protein, fruit and or vegetable and whole grains. A couple of standbys I use are Sprouted Wheat toast (2 slices) with Peanut butter and 2 clementines. If I start with a protein shake I always add something with fiber. I usually mix the protein powder with skim milk to get a few carbs to kickstart the metabolism. Greek yogurt is also a protein packed starter with low fat and carb load. You can't go wrong with something as simple as Kashi Go Lean cereal with skim milk. Watch the portion size (Measure it the first few times you eat it) but this is a good balance of protein and carb to start the day.
  • carriem73
    carriem73 Posts: 333 Member
    Thanks all - some good ideas. Think I will look into the protein shakes and some of the cereal suggestions. I could keep almond or soy milk in fridge at work and eat when I get in. I will also look at some of the other suggestions for the weekend and may try to make a Musseli (spelling - sorry).

    I am not a regular breakfast eater myself, but I have found that if I bring it to the office and eat about when I get here, it has become part of my daily routine-
  • I_get_fit
    I_get_fit Posts: 145 Member
    I posted this on another thread:

    - healthy muffins
    - english muffin or toast topped with jam, almond butter, peanut butter, honey, or cottage cheese
    - fruit & cheese & hard boiled egg
    - crustless quiche (keep in refrigerator and reheat a piece each day)
    - greek yogurt, berries, and honey
    - protein shake (fruit, yogurt, scoop of protein powder, ice)


    fruit stuffed crepes
    cottage cheese and fruit
    english muffin with an egg over medium
    Oatbran, musili, brown rice, or quinoa as an oatmeal replacement.
    Breakfast quesadilla or wrap (eggs, veggies, meat, cheese)
    Baked fruit with a little granola on top and a splash of milk (kinda like a healthy breakfast dessert)
  • thanks for all the great suggestions!