help needed for tomorrows menu!!!!

I have a really busy day tomorrow so have planned my meals already. they need to be quick and easy as I won't be home properly till 8:30. My problem is that I haven't even used 1200 calories yet but only have 2 carbs left. Anyone know of something that I can eat that is really low in carbs but will boost up my calories?


  • lkirchherr
    that's easy! nuts are high in calories, but have verryyy few carbs. like, almonds for 1/4 cup are 170 calories and about 1 or 2 carbs. Egg whites are also moderate with calories but have no carbs. vegetables also have no carbs, but arent exactly high in calories /:
  • jadedone
    jadedone Posts: 2,449 Member
    Have you ever made "fish en paplliote?"

    Get a big piece of foil.

    Pre-heat your even to about 375.
    Add your favorite veggies (ones that are tasty steamed) about 2-3 cups worth. Do you have fresh herbs? Use them. If not proceed:
    Take your veggies, and place on the foil. Season with salt, pepper and your favorite seasoning blend. Top with fish (something that is good steamed or poached.) Season with the seasoning above. Add a few thin slices of lemon if you have them (or use a little bottled lemon juice.) Add a bit of olive oil or butter: about 2 teaspoons to the top. Wrap it tightly, but before you close it add a little liquid. Around 1/4 cup of white wine or water.

    Place the packet on a shallow pan and cook for 15-30 minutes depending on how thick your fish is. Remove from the oven, let cool for 10 minutes, cut open the packet and serve. You'll have lots of veggies, filling protein, and few carbs. This is an easy after work thing. You can even use the individually frozen fish, just up the cooking time by a few minutes.
  • mbogowitz
    Hard Boiled - Egg, 1 egg (1.8 oz) 78 cals 1 carbs 5 fat 6 pro 0 fiber 1 sugar
  • neenie12
    thank you all! I ended up taking out a flatbread and soup that I was going to have with dinner and am now having scrambled egg whites and turkey rashers!!!!

    Unfortunately, I can't eat nuts and I can't go anywhere near fish. Might try that recipe with a bit of chicken though
  • mruntidy
    mruntidy Posts: 1,015 Member
    I was talking to a PT in my gym yesterday and he was saying how he mixes 1 whole egg and two whites in with chopped onions, plum tomatoes and beef strips.. The tomatoes and onion would have some carbohydrate but I tried this last night as an omelette and it was actually really quick and tasty.