48 year old woman, just starting

Hi, I am a 48-year old woman, just at the beginning of the process of getting in shape. I am 5-9 and weigh 203 lbs, much to my shock and horror. For most of my life, I was fairly thin but the weight began to pile on once I went back to grad school and began teaching elementary school. I never understood it when I was younger and middle-aged women would complain about how the weight "snuck on" and how hard it was to get it off. Voila! Now I am in their shoes! Anyway, I am sick of feeling tired and worn out and looking frumpy, so here goes....I would like to eventually lose fifty pounds, but that sounds so overwhelming, I am just thinking of the task in ten pound goals.

I am not starting the new year with grand resolutions, just a commitment to work at this slowly and surely and be gentle to myself. Although I am not gluten intolerant, I recently gave up wheat and I am noticing an immediate difference in the way I feel. I have a little more energy, so I have been exercising a bit...not a lot...just 30 minutes on the treadmill switched up with an hour of "Bollywood Booty," Indian dancing. Today I went and looked at a gym, which I am thinking about joining.

I would really appreciate having a few supportive friends who are in the same boat! I would also love to hear success stories. Fifty pounds seems impossible!


  • 4gr8kids
    Hi, I'm a 49 year old woman who just started a new way of eating in about July of 2011. Have you considered Paleo/Primal? It's basically low carb/high protein. It was overwhelming to me when my daughter first started trying to convince me that this was a healthy new way to eat. I've very slowly begun to understand this way of eating.

    Mark Sisson is a big name in this field. His website is called marksdailyapple. He wrote a book called The Primal Blueprint explaining the science behind why this way of eating works. I have not read the book, but continue to get my info second hand from my daughter. (why should both of us work so hard doing research, right?)

    If you're interested, there are Low Carb groups affiliated with MFP.

    Best of Luck to you in your endeavor to become healthier, whichever method you choose!!

    cfatn is my username
  • watmel2
    Hi, Michele,

    I actually HAVE thought of doing something like you describe. I am definitely counting carbs. I need to research things...I want whatever I do to be a life change, not a band-aid.
  • carolinehearn

    When I read your intro (Watmel), I felt like I could have written it myself! Somehow, after a very active and quite slim time in my teens, twenties, thirties and early forties, now at the grand old age of 47 in the past year I have absolutely packed on the weight, and it all feels very sudden - I don't know how this happened! I gave up smoking in Sept and that had a significant negative impact on my weight, it has to be said, as I seemed to balloon up.

    Anyway, I want to get back into shape, I feel very uncomfortable in my body now. I sometimes sit down at work and see my thighs and they look so enormous, they don't feel like mine. Plus all my clothes are uncomfortable and I'm now beginning to dress to hide myself, rather than just feeling relaxed about my body and clothing.

    I'm really worried I won't be able to manage this, but I feel I must give it a go! My goal is to lose 30 pounds
  • kelly1018
    I too am just starting out and i too am about your age,height and over 200lbs, much to my embartassment. Ialso feel like the weight just crept up and now I find myself feeling frumpy and tired as well. Maybe we can keep eachother motivated , it's always easier with a friend to talk to. Keep me posted on how things are going and I will do the ssame.

  • diamondpinksky
    well so far \i think you are doing great .... you took your frist step . im, proud of you... I my self am tall and very big. i know \i can lose weight because i did it before. i use to work for a gym till they close and then i was depress and i started gaining the wiat .. these ppl on here are awesome .. the post on here are amazing and very up lifting , so i know im going to go back where i was...
    good luck you will do great :)
  • 12Tryit
    12Tryit Posts: 10 Member
    Hi Watmel. I'm 51 and it dawned on me one day that I was 35 lbs. heavier than just 6 years ago. I was determined to get back to a healthy weight but found weight loss after 50 was a bit tougher than weight loss in my 30s. One thing that has definitely helped is watching carbs. There are some great recipes on Jorge Cruise's website "Belly Fat Cure" . However, even watching carbs wasn't enough so I joined weight watchers and started exercising 30 minutes every day.

    I'm down 15 lbs since June 2011 and my first goal is to lose another 10 lbs. We'll see what the next goal will be from there. So I still do weight watchers, watch my carbs and joined this site. What I love about MFP is the interaction with others working towards the same goal of just getting healthier and feeling better.

    I'll send a friend request.
  • misaacs6403
    misaacs6403 Posts: 9 Member
    Good luck! I am going to be 50 next week and can totally understand where you have been. I started using this program awhile back to keep track of the foods I eat. I have only lost 7 pounds so far but I don't ever give up. I now have my whole family on this site and we all help each other stay focused and eat healthy. Believe it or not, exercise is the key. If you just start walking 20 minutes a day and stay dedicated, the weight will come off.