Breastfeeding mothers

OK... I notice the exclusively breastfeeding add ins, and the 4-5 times a day. Who out there is breastfeeding and using these? Its really impossible to know exactly how many calories we are burning breastfeeding. I have read going below 1700 calories will lessen supply which after fighting for the past 8 weeks to get (I had no milk for the first 12 days)... I don't want to give that up... but I also NEED to loose the pounds. And breastfeeding hasn't been the weight loss miracle so many have said it would be!

Anywho, just looking to see what others have to say!



  • HotKanye
    HotKanye Posts: 103 Member
    Breastfeeding isn't a weight loss miracle because in addition to burning more calories it also increases your appetite so a lot of women just eat the extra calories they burn. If you're exclusively breastfeeding and your baby is only a couple months old you should still be getting an extra 500 calories a day. (You actually burn more than this but the remainder is just burning off fat you gained during pregnancy.) I'm still nursing my 20 month old and I add on one of the "older child" nursing options that gives me an extra 300 calories because he still nurses fairly frequently and I'm not in a rush to lose weight. If you are just a few months post partum give yourself some time. Your whole body has changed over the period of a year and it will take you a bit. Tracking will help but don't try to lose a pound a week or anything. Keep your goals reasonable and start taking baby for a walk every couple days. Hope that answers some of your questions.

    PS: This article may help:
  • I would also like to add ( as a exclusively breastfeeding mama ) that when you BF'd, your body holds onto extra fat. It's not been a weight loss miracle for me either. It's been frustrating because I know a lot of mama's who claim to have been skinnier than ever while Bfing... but not me.
    I've tried eating less calories in the past and my milk takes a good drop.

    My eating plan allows me to eat 1290 calories, and then I get to add 500 calories to that. So in reality I eat 1790 calories.
    Sometimes that number can be closer to 2000 if I'm working out.

    Weight loss will take longer for us mamas who's breastfeeding.. but it will stay off in the long run. Plus, eating whole & healthy foods is so good for your baby. So really, who's loosing? :)

    Good luck!
  • sara_mom
    sara_mom Posts: 8 Member
    I gained a good chunk while pregnant... and frankly I know better then to do that, but I can't change that. The poopee part is that I am getting married this summer. Oh dear. I won't give up breastfeeding, but I really need to loose some pounds. Hmmmm. I just started the Zumba tapes, and hopefully that will do something to this body of mine. Starting a bootcamp at the end of January too! Any Mama's out there who did have some success? And have some other tips?
  • sara_mom
    sara_mom Posts: 8 Member
    Is there a Breastfeeding Mom group??? If not... any interest out there in being in one?
  • sara_mom
    sara_mom Posts: 8 Member
    Found it... Thanks!
  • HotKanye
    HotKanye Posts: 103 Member
    Well I'm 20 months post-partum so I don't know if my tips will help so much. I would just say to add in your extra 500 calories for EBF and try to eat all of your calories without going over. If you are still hungry and you've used all your calories put your baby on (if you have a baby carrier, if not- GET ONE!) and dance for 20 minutes. Log those calories and you'll have enough for an extra snack. I have taken the slow and steady route but I weigh less than before I got pregnant and my son isn't even two yet so hopefully you find that encouraging. I also gained more than I "should have" in my pregnancy and now that I"m thinking about a second baby I really want to get in better shape so that I don't hit a scary number on the scale by 40 weeks.

    But with the age of your baby I'd say not to be in a rush or expect anything of yourself because there are enough other challenges. (ie getting sleep, nursing, not going insane.) Just try to keep track of what you're eating as best you can and make healthier choices when it comes to indulgences. Don't plan not to have treats and snacks just make sure you have only safe ones around and know appropriate serving sizes. Sometimes it helps me to pre-portion things out into baggies. And finally, get active as much as you feel up to it because that's good for your seratonin levels and will make you feel healthier as well as helping to take the baby weight off but I know it's hard at this time of year.

    Congratulations on your upcoming wedding. I'm sure you will look lovely at whatever size and your husband to be will think you're perfect whether you lose 2 pounds or 20 between now and then!
  • cecilia0909
    cecilia0909 Posts: 188 Member
    Breast feeding isn't my miracle weight loss trick either. I am nursing baby #3 right now and I add 300 calories a day for my nursing- he is older though. Personally I found that eating better foods- lean protein, a serving of almonds a day, steamed veggies, at least two servings of fruit, etc but adding work outs is what lost weight for me without losing milk.