Starting P90 tomorrow :) Looking for others to join with!

Hey there folks,

I am making the 90 day committment to Tony and "the kids" and pushing play daily. Would love to have others to join in the fun and sweat!


  • I'm glad I found your post. I have been 'thinking' of doing the P90 workouts. Now I WILL!
  • Hey, I'm planning on starting P90 tomorrow too! I'm looking forward to the challenge!
  • I am going to follow the 'LEAN' plan to kick start the weight loss.
  • Day 1 - Done! Core Synergistics . Man that was tough. but fun!
  • starting with ya... doing lean! I've gained 10 lbs in one year... ready to get fit once again and NEED others for motivation and advice for food choices...
  • YAY!!! Looks like we've got a great group started!! I'm about to press play - I'm starting with Sweat 1-2 today. It's been awhile since I've done intense cardio so I'm going to build up slowly.

    Can anyone enter p90 into the exercise database? I can't seem to find it. I just bought an polar heart rate monitor so I'm hoping to get some accurate readings.

    Already, Day One about to begin -- wish me luck! LOL
  • Gawain
    Gawain Posts: 11 Member
    About to start P90 as well, and also have P90M & P90X on standby with anticipation that the P90 works as well as its users say. I've still gotta read the P90 guide and figure out the diary etc before I'm ready to get going, but happy to join in the fun on here once I begin. Good luck to all, really excited to see the results of others. I'm looking to lose 50lbs total I think.
  • Gawain -- ME TOO!! I have p90M and x ready to go for afterwards. Looking forward to having you join. I know that has lot of good resource for loggin your workouts. I do M/W/F - sweat and T/Th/S sculpt . Sundays are meant as a day of rest so I either do yoga or walking, something lighter. BB also has Michi's latter for an eating guide which I find super helpful too.
  • micana
    micana Posts: 3
    I just started p90 today as well! I also need to know how to add the exercise to the tracker. I will be working my butt off I definitely want to input it somehow :)!!!
  • littlelaura
    littlelaura Posts: 1,028 Member
    I have p90 and was thinking of starting sunday but if everyone is starting tomorrow I guess I will too feel free to add me.
    I am doing p90 first once done with that program will move onto p90x. I have cardio and sculpt levels 1-2 , 3-4 and bought the extra 5-6 dvds. what is everyone starting on cardio or sculpt?
  • So has anyone had success with the P90 routine yet?
  • micana
    micana Posts: 3
    I started with Cardio and abs today - sculpt is tomorrow!
  • Micana -- that's awesome!!!! How do you feel? I did sweat today -- and yesterday. I usually do sculpt on T/Th/Sat...but this week I'm thinking I'll kick start my program with some cardio to get my strength up and then hit the sculpt routine next week. I have a hard time entering it in the tracker too -- so I think I'm going to purchase a heart rate monitor to keep accurate counts of calories,etc. For now I've been entering in high intensity aerobics.

    llholiday -- i have had success with this program in the past....losing close to 35lbs in 90 days and completely toning my wobbly parts lol. It's been a few years and lots of craziness in between so it's time to get back at it! What I love about it is that you can go at your own up as you get stronger with no pressure to master everything all at once.

    Keep pressing play :) It will work :)
  • Hey gang --- well I was up bright and early and pressed play! :) WOOT WOOT!!

    I did the Fat Burning Express -- 35 minutes of cardio! What a great sweat. Tonight when I get home, I'll do sweat 1-2 :happy:

    Day 3/90 is done :) I'm finding that just after three days I'm feeling muscles that I forgot about. I live in a remote northern community in canada (way way up by the north pole -- i'm here for work)....and I'm finding that walking through the snow is much easier. Hard to believe that only three days of some solid full body cardio can generate such wonderful and welcome change. I took my before measurements and photos so I'm thinking I'll take my next set of measurements at 30/60/90 days.

    As I was working out this morning I was thinking of all the things that keep me motivated -- first is my own health! I have to do this for me and no one else. Second, is my daughter -- I keep thinking of how great it will be when she gets older (she's only 14 months) and mommy can run around and keep up with her! I've also been thinking about how good it will feel to just feel comfortable in my own seems that I haven't felt like this in forever.

    What motivates you? Hope everyone has a fantastic day ---- keep pressin play :) (didn't mean for that to rhyme LOL)
  • I am starting my P90X workout tomorrow. I defiantly need a group that will make sure I keep it up. So glad I found this!
  • just started x today.chest, back & abs done!would love to join
  • dfeledichuk
    dfeledichuk Posts: 371 Member
    I just ordered it two days ago, so hope to get it in the mail soon. Like Andrealeah32 I live in Northern Canada and although I was walking 100+ miles up to October, walking in -20 weather in winter is not my cup of tea, so I hope this will enable me to exercise at home and not have to go the gym in the snow and cold. Look forward to starting!
  • ~~~ WELCOME ~~~ to all the newbies out there :)

    DFELEDICHUK -- way to go on your weight loss!!! WOOT WOOT!!! You are going to love the program :) Let me know when you get it!!!

    MYNEWSELF -- how was your first workout?!?

    AMBER -- that's fantastic that you are starting p90x --- i can't wait to finish p90 and p90m and work my way to p90x ;)

    I am on DAY 5/90 so far -- and boy do my legs hurt today LOL. I didn't get my AM workout in yesterday so I did it when i got home from work -- my 14 month old daughter has taken to stretching with me...soooo cute!!! Tonight I'm scheduled for Sweat 1-2. Tomorrow is Fat Burning Express and Sunday is Sweat 1-2 with abs!

    Here is my schedule for next week

    M/W/F -- Sweat 1-2 with 30 minutes of dance or treadmill

    T/Th/Sa --- Scuplt 1-2 with 30 minutes of some sort of cardio

    SO exciting for day 30 results --- I'm already down 8lbs since January 1st and I've noticed a slight (very slighty) change in my jeans...the waist isn't so tight!! :bigsmile:
  • Tiggermummy
    Tiggermummy Posts: 312 Member
    Can I come and join you guys.

    My P90 x disc s have arrived, I need to get a few bits like resistance bands and cant find my tape measure.

    To get to this point I have lost just over three stone, I have done a walking half marathon in just over 3.5 hours and gone from wearing uk size 26 trousers to a 14/16.

    So although I know this will be tough, I am hoping I can see it to the end.
  • Welcome Tiggermummy!!!!

    Just checking in with everyone --- today was my day of rest but I decided to to 20 mins of Turbo Jam, Wii Just Dance for 30minutes and about 60 mins of moderate cleaning :)

    What is everyone's workout schedule this week!?!?

    I'm set for SWEAT 1-2 bright and early in the morning. Tomorrow is day 9/90 !!! I weighed in today and am down 9lbs since joining MFP only 13 days ago!!