Picky Eater

I am such a picky eater. I don't like eggs, fish, most pasta, Mexican food (cept for homemade tacos), Asian food or cheese. I do like corn, potatoes, white bread, hamburger meat, white chicken, steak, pork, spaghetti and most vegetables. I am tired of eating the same sorts of foods and really in a rut. Anyone have a suggestion or recipes?

Here is my menu:
Monday: Tacos
Tuesday: Spaghetti
Wednesday: Out to eat due to evening church
Thursday: Chicken made with shake-n-bake and bbq sauce
Friday: Frozen pizza or soup
Saturday: Chili
Sunday: Whatever you can find or I will make a roast or fried chicken.

For my lunch I usually make a turkey sandwich or vegetable soup. I am trying to eat better and healthier but need more dinner options. Anyone have any suggestions?

Thank you!


  • TidoWyla
    TidoWyla Posts: 72 Member
    I'm a very picky eater myself! I hate all raw veggies...yes ALL OF THEM! Do you like Ground Turkey? You can subsitute that in tacos and spaghetti to make them a little healthier. Use Whole Wheat pasta/tortilla shells and such. It's hard when your limited to the foods you like, I know this! There are a lot of alternitive ways to eat those types of things but in a much healthier way. Never hurts to try new foods, the older we get the more our taste buds change and when you start eliminated all that garbage we eat, you'll be suprised what tastes good.
  • jewelzy210
    I'm an extremely picky eater as well. I only eat greenbeans, edamames, beats (only from my parents garden) for my veggies. I do eat lots of chicken (ground, boneless breasts and chunk), ground turkey for lots of substitutes. Turkey Burgers and Chicken burgers are great if seasoned right. I eat brown rice, whole wheat pasta if I have to have pasta, lots of fruit. I love my fruit!!!!. Bread is always a multi grain or whole grain whole wheat type - which ever is on sale ( even for hamburger buns or hot dog buns). I also like Turkey Hot dogs with pepper jack cheese. I cook everything in Light Olive Oil too. I use to eat tons of pizza - My challenge this year is to stop eating pizza - so far so good. For awhile I was juicing all veggies - except greenbeans and edeamames. Then I'd take that juice the next morning, throw in some whole fresh fruit (or frozen if out of season) - yoplait frozen fruit works awesome!!!! Then I'll ad yogurt - sometimes greek or whatever I have that is light and fat free. Add Ice and blend. It ends up tasting just like a fruit smoothie - I don't even know my veggies are in there. Haven't done that in awhile because I got burned out on it.

    Currently - at my last dr apt I was at pre diabetic level. So I have to really watch my weight and get the sugar down. I'm trying a new thing (for me). I got it from a diabetic friend of mine called slim & fit. It's a lean meat, carb, veggie and fruit type. Today was my first day - small portions and making sure I was eating a small carb with each meal. Since I don't eat veggies - I basically have green beans or edamames at lunch and dinner. I might have to break out the juicer again if I get in a rut of the same things.

    For awhile I was always doing the Rice, Chicken, Chicken broth, and edamames for my lunches every day - got burned out on those too. But I do make sure I pack my lunch for the entire week and leave it at work. That way I never have to worry about what I'm going to eat. My breakfast is also packed for every day. The only thing I have to worry about is dinner at night - that becomes a challenge. I have tried taking boneless chicken breasts, a can of cream of chicken soup (I've found the low sodium kind - finally) , some brown rice and some chicken broth - put all in a pan, pop in the oven on 350 degrees for about 40 to 45 minutes - till chicken is cooked through. Makes a good evening dinner and then I'll have leftovers for another night during the week or two. Turkey burgers like I said before for dinner, roast in the crockpot, pork chops either in the crockpot or oven baked, Chicken in the crockpot. I love my crockpot so I'm always trying to find recipes for that. Granted most of the stuff I don't eat, but I find ways to make it a meal. I have a recipe for a weight watchers stuff green pepper soup - believe it or not I actually like, because it's not really green pepper soup - but it's nice and spicey like one, or fix a taco soup - I found one I love. It's not all healthy but I substitute the meat with ground turkey or chicken, I get low sodium taco seasoning, instead of tomato juice I get V8 that has a fruit medley in it, it takes a can of pork and beans, can of kidney beans, can of corn (yes I know I don't eat corn, but it's good in this - don't ask why - cause I don't know). Sometimes I'll get a small can of chopped green chilis and tomatoes mixed together (petite diced) - I know I'm contradicting myself again - but it works. Cook all day in the crockpot on low, eat with shredded cheese, sour cream, and scoop corn chips or just by itself.

    Don't know if any of this helps but it's what works for me.
  • krist3ng
    krist3ng Posts: 259 Member
    I am picky too :(

    I don't eat meat, avocados, tomatoes, sweet potatoes, zucchini, squash, eggplant, peppers, raw onions, asparagus, spinach, and a slew of other things. It makes being a vegetarian tough because often the default vegetarian option at restaurants is peppers and avocado and tomato on a roll.
    My salads generally look kind of sad (just lettuce, carrots, cucumbers and olives please) because I'm not such a big fan of dressing.
    BUT the classic vegetables-- broccoli, green beans, carrots-- I truly love. I am a texture taster (or so someone told me) so the squishiness or sliminess of a food dictates a lot of my distaste.

    My boyfriend is picky too, but we are not picky about ANY of the same foods. He loves all the things I mentioned except eggplant and avocado. And he dislikes a lot of my faves, including mushrooms and (!!!) CHEESE and yogurt and butter and chickpeas. He doesn't even really like potatoes. WEIRD!
  • thepickygirl
    This is exactly my problem. I'm not a full vegetarian, but I don't eat meat often and never cook it. I'm having a really difficult time getting my protein and relying a lot on black beans. Any tried and true ways of getting protein as a vegetarian?
  • thepickygirl
    Also - here are a couple of my standards -

    Brown rice with black beans, diced tomatoes, bell pepper, and corn. It's really good and can be kind of spicy if you use Rotel.

    Chowder: This is so easy and so good for winter. Dice potatoes and cover in water and veggie broth. Bring to a boil and cover for 10 minutes at a simmer. Then add whatever veggies you like. I add corn and jalapeno and 1/2 cup fat free milk. Then you use a tablespoon each of fat free milk and nonfat dried milk, mix it together and add it to mixture. It thickens up a bit and is great.

    Taco Casserole: Whole wheat tortillas layered with same mixture from brown rice deal above. See? I use a lot of the same stuff. But it tastes a bit different and is good.
  • sarahness
    sarahness Posts: 80 Member
    I am probably the pickiest eater on the planet. I have a thing with textures. I cannot eat any fruit or vegetable in its whole form. Cooked or raw. It has to be blended in a blender with NO chunks. If there are chunks, I cant eat it. I will literally gag. I dont eat red meat or pork. My salads are just lettuce, cheese, and dressing. Trying to loose weight when I cant eat vegetables or fruits and I dont like to eat chicken often, is REALLY freaking hard. I end up eating the same things all the time and get burned out and go back to eating crappy. I really dont know what to do. I think I might post about this for some ideas.
  • jena81
    jena81 Posts: 2
    you should try some Greek cuisine - it's flavorful and looks like you could use an ethnic alternate to Mexican. If you do eat starches, (corn, potatoes, breads) just try to consume with proteins and then eat your largest meal as lunch, not dinner. get some good recipes for low cal sauces and you may start liking some of the "disliked" items on your list. Instead of eating out for Wed, try making some tortilla rolls with turkey and non-fat cream cheese and chopped up olives and green chiles. That is super tasty and a quick meal on the go.
  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member
    If I didn't like cheese my waistline would be a lot smaller LOL

    Veggie and chicken stirfry (could also do this with beef)

    Big salad with chicken or another protein

    Chicken corn chowder (homemade)

    Potato soup

    Raw veggies with hummus or another spread
  • ogosun
    ogosun Posts: 175 Member
    Pickiness is done for attention. Selectiveness is more private and discrete..
  • MaryGreene
    So glad to see I am not the only picky eater. Thanks to everyone for the ideas, I will be sure and use them. I've never tried ground turkey but will! If you have any more ideas keep them coming!