Lost the weight. Now have excess skin

Hey guys,

I am proud to say I have lost a substantial amount of weight in 12 months. The side effect of this of course is now I do indeed have excess skin which to be honest for a while I confused to be fat.

I have been doing a fair amount of research and I believe the best way to combat this is in circuit training including weights and cardio with core excercises.

I am currently performing between 30 - 60 minutes of this 6 days a week for the last 3 weeks0

Is it realistic to believe that the excess skin will vanish eventually?

Ive worked so damn hard to get to where I am I would like to see a finished product looking lean without a shirt.

I realize my biggest issue has been losing the weight so rapidly as I had only been doing low calorie / high cardio with no weight training.


  • risefromruin
    risefromruin Posts: 483 Member
    I have this problem as well. Things have definitely tightened up for me with weight training but it is a bit much to believe that it will disappear completely I'm afraid. I'm actually still a bit confused about what is fat and what is excess skin on me these days :/ Good luck to you though! It sounds like you have a good plan. Just fill in that skin with muscle mass :)
  • leojsivad
    leojsivad Posts: 124 Member
    Skin, for the most part will slowly begin to shrink back to its original elasticity. I would say your current plan sounds like a good idea.

    I assume the excess skin is in the stomach region? As you build muscle, the skin will begin to reattach to the abs, giving you the lean look you want.

    Just keep at it!

    Good luck!

  • kandrews24
    kandrews24 Posts: 610 Member
    I've read that it takes two years for the body to adjust after major physical change (like weight loss or having a baby). So I would postpone freaking out and definately attack toning and strength training. I've also heard that in lots of different exercises help like yoga, pilotes, and all those other toning exercises. Also heard that moisture inside (water) and outside (special lotions and oils) help as well as massage (to stimulate skin cell growth). I say do it all (and rub yourself with wash cloth when in the shower).

    It may sound crazy but tanning (though controversial) definately improves appearance. You just look healthier and stretch marks and extra skin just don't appear quite as bad. Anyway, I'm treating myself with tanning during my attempted slow weight loss process. I love it, how I feel and how I appear. It is great for extra Vitamin D too!

    Best of luck and keep us posted.
  • PennyNickel14
    PennyNickel14 Posts: 749 Member
    Give it two years with weight training and hydrating to see if it tightens up on its own. Sometimes it does and sometimes it doesn't based on heredity, age, time you spent obese, smoking and sun damage :).

    Great job loosing the weight!!! The weight training is really going to make you feel fab :)!
  • cirellim
    cirellim Posts: 269
    I have some as well has gotten much better with time not much else you can do unfortunately!
  • amsparky
    amsparky Posts: 825 Member
    I have the same issue and while I am frustrated by it, it's better than the alternative. :) I asked a personal trainer about it today and her advice was not to hold my breath as far as seeing major improvements. Strength training is key here.

    Good luck!
  • jhardenbergh
    jhardenbergh Posts: 1,035 Member
    It will be a year for me on January 13th when I began losing weight. I got the loose skin too. For the last three months I have been doing similar to what you are doing now and it has gone down some. I am still trying to loose weight, cause my mind is telling me I am still fat. I know the feeling. I have been told to hold off on any surgeries for removal for at least a year, but it could take two years and possibly never go away. Up until three months ago, I was doing straight up cardio as well. Feel free to add me if you'd like. Maybe we can bounce ideas and tips off each other along the way. I definately prefer the loose skin to my huge stomach though. I heard age and diet and hydration levels play a lot into your skin bouncing back. Good Luck with your efforts.
  • busterbluth
    busterbluth Posts: 115 Member
    A lot of this is genetic, so it's impossible to know how elastic your skin is. Good hydration helps. But I sprung back from the most gigantic pregnant belly EVER (seriously--my friends would literally LAUGH at my belly when I was pregnant) so I'm sure in time you'll see changes.
  • mamagooskie
    mamagooskie Posts: 2,964 Member
    my skin has shrunk some in the last year....but I know it's going to take a long time yet before it gets to it's final done-ness. I am 99% sure it will not go back to how it was a decade ago before I got really big but I still have faith that it has more shrinkage left to do yet and I'll reevalute in a few years and see how I look.
  • clarkie77
    Wow! I love the community feel of MFP.

    Thanks for the responses guys.
  • Piccachu
    Wow! I love the community feel of MFP.

    Thanks for the responses guys.

    Isn't it great!?! I've only just started posting, gosh! I've been missing out!!