starting my new life style


I'm new to this site although my fiance isn't. Shes been on here for a while and is having great success. So when I decided to make my life change this seemed like the most sensible route.

I work in an office in a chair behind a computer most of my day. I'm refusing to let that beat me. I'm 6 foot 5 and weigh 362 lbs. I'm tired of being fat and frankly tired of being tired. I live about an hour from work and work long days. I tend to make excuses or dismiss doing things without trying them. Well those days are behind me. Ive got a few hurdles to leap. Ive got a wedding to host with my wonderful fiance in a little over a year. Ive also decided to quit my smoking habit as well. I smoke a pack every 3 to 4 days unless I'm out drinking then that changes dramatically. I'm very nervous about this as ive heard people say they gained weight after quitting smoking. I love food and smoking so its going to be a tough road, but with the support from family,friends, and hopefully new friends from here, it will be a little easier.

So if u would like to add me as a friend to give me support and get support back please feel free. Also feel free to add me if u just want front row seats to watching me get in shape and healthy that's okay too.

Thank you


  • alofay
    alofay Posts: 127 Member
    love it :D You're adorable!! Would love to be friends!! I'll be more than happy to support you! What's your goal weight?
  • I work a desk job too. Its really hard to change I started walking on my lunches and it really helped me stay motivated throughout the day. I also smoke but exercising really helps with the cravings. I wish you the best of luck and Congrats on joining!
  • butter44077
    butter44077 Posts: 4 Member
    I have lost 77 so far and MFP has helped a ton. I still want to lose another 54 to reach my goal. Feel free to add me and anyone else who is trying hard to change their life. :-)
  • alofay
    alofay Posts: 127 Member
    I have lost 77 so far and MFP has helped a ton. I still want to lose another 54 to reach my goal. Feel free to add me and anyone else who is trying hard to change their life. :-)

    Great Job on the loss!
  • kc0nnt
    kc0nnt Posts: 5
    Congratz on the choice to make your life better in so many ways!
  • alofay
    alofay Posts: 127 Member
    Lots of new people this week!
  • carrie_eggo
    carrie_eggo Posts: 1,396 Member
    I'm friends with Andrea. I'll add you. :)
  • Petra2
    Petra2 Posts: 6 Member
    Feel free to add me.
  • you sound like a giggle, im happy for the add
  • Petra2
    Petra2 Posts: 6 Member
    Hi Chris,
    Congrats on your achievement so far. Any advise? I am stuck - I've lost 35 lbs by last July but am starting to gain weight again. Partially to falling off the wagon and getting lost in all the advise......
    My original goal was to loose 45 lbs.
  • kimmie185
    kimmie185 Posts: 550 Member
    hi there, feel free to add me! :flowerforyou:
  • alofay
    alofay Posts: 127 Member
    I'm friends with Andrea. I'll add you. :)

    Carrie is the one who got me rolling back in the Fall! :)
    Many thanks to her, look at the chain of events! lol
  • speedyf
    speedyf Posts: 1,571 Member
    This site is the place to be! You won't regret that! There's always people to cheer you up! I'm sure that your great attitude will also help others. I want to be in the first row for your success!!! But start easy... one day at a time, otherwise you'll get discourage. But if that happens, MFP friends will be right there.
  • suzy1953
    suzy1953 Posts: 31 Member
    Hi Chad I know what you mean about it being hard I stopped smoking 4 days ago and started my diet
    at the same time. I also love food and cooking . its really difficult not to go for some chocolate.

    Best of Look if you need some support let me know

  • RicSnyder
    RicSnyder Posts: 129 Member
    Congrats on all the great decisions. Unbelievably, I am from Tiffin, Oh too; left for college and never went back.
  • alofay
    alofay Posts: 127 Member
    Congrats on all the great decisions. Unbelievably, I am from Tiffin, Oh too; left for college and never went back.

    No one can blame you for not coming back! lol This place is terrible!!
  • melonsss
    melonsss Posts: 144 Member
    good luck with both dieting and quitting smoking .your wedding should be a good goal to keep you motivated. add me if you wish.
  • chunkiedunker
    chunkiedunker Posts: 144 Member
    thanks everyone for the support. I'm taking it one day at a time and starting mainly by cutting back on how much i smoke a day and really cutting my calories. so far everything is going great. i still have alot of urges, but im doing this and committed to doing this for myself. So with that in mind it makes the cravings a little easier to deal with.

    If i have missed anyone please feel free to add me. The site is slow i guess with everyone joining from the new year, and just getting the hang of how to navigate the website.

    Good luck everyone, and thanks again.
  • clindstrom520
    clindstrom520 Posts: 14 Member
    Good for you!!! And congrats on your upcoming wedding!!

    My husband just quit smoking and he did indeed gain some weight so we are working together to try and lose weight together. He is doing the Atkins diet which seems to work awesome for him.....he lost about 40 pounds on it before. As for me, I am just going to keep track of everything and become more active! So far I have cut back on soda and carbs alot and hoping using this website helps too! I heard nothing but good things about this site.

    Feel free to add me =)
  • I quit smoking a year ago and started to run again after several years of a break. I did go to the doctor to get help quitting smoking and it is what worked for me. That was after several years of trying to quit and failing. It was so effortless and I was where you were wanting to make a complete lifestyle change. I definitely traded one addiction for another and did not gain any weight because of my commitments to running and eating healthy. I ran my first half marathon in September and I'm going to run another one for my 30th birthday in August. I just recently joined this site to try to account for my daily intake of food. I think it is another one of my addictions because I love good food. Best of luck to you! Its a great decision!