40 pounds

Every body was small at one time. I was too, until about 5 months ago. After 5 months on steriods I'm not little any more. In fact, I have about 40 lbs to loose...and I need all the help I can get! !

Any body that would like to share this new way of life, please friend me and we can support each other.


  • gorgonaki
    gorgonaki Posts: 11 Member
    Hi sewcool,

    I want to lose 40 pounds too.

    I at 1196 calories today and drank all my water. How did you do today?

    Take Care,
  • Fattylumpkin
    Fattylumpkin Posts: 11 Member

    I want to lose 50 lbs and complete my first marathon (Warrior Dash). I am doing alot of bike riding and weight training but have back problems so its a little harder than I thought.

    Good to see others on here with awesome goals! Never say Never!

    Have a good one!!
  • sewkool39
    Nice to meet you gorganki. I did 903 calories today. Had breakfast and went to town. I was late getting home and missed lunch. Got a warning that my body would go into starvation mode if I don't eat more. I'm trying to believe that would be a bad thing....

    Sounds like you did great today! Keep up the good work.
  • sewkool39
    Hi, Fattylumpkin. At the rate you're going you'll have to change your handle to Skinnypumpkin!! I'm sure you will ace your marathon. My hubby has a lot of back problems, but fights thru the pain and does most of what he wants to do. Hopefully you can do the same thing without hurting yourself.

    Please keep me informed on how you are doing.
  • bighoyt
    Please feel free to friend me if you like.
  • gorgonaki
    gorgonaki Posts: 11 Member
    Hey Sewcool,

    I got that warning too...Missed breakfast as the day got a little nuts in the morning.

    I am going to the gym today and will do the elliptical.

    You working out today?
  • gorgonaki
    gorgonaki Posts: 11 Member
    Hi fattylumpkin,

    We are all in this one together and all is achievable.
  • sewkool39
    Hey Sewcool,

    I got that warning too...Missed breakfast as the day got a little nuts in the morning.

    I am going to the gym today and will do the elliptical.

    You working out today?

    Sorry I'm so late getting back to you, gorgonaki. To answer your workout question, I managed 20 mins on the treadmill today. I have a problem with my foot that becomes very painfull after I'm on it very long. Going to the foot doctor tomorrow and see what's next. He's already put 3 shots in it with no improvement. I hate having all these problems, and I hate talking about them too! ! Sorry, just frustrated.

    Did you get to do your work out? Hope so.