One month post-op hysto! Need to work out!

So, I got a hysterectomy on 11/29/11, to get me one step closer to the man I need to be. However, my doctor said NO WORKING OUT AT ALL, PERIOD for two months. I went skating AMA, and it wasn't that bad, but the trek to the skating ring [$5] and admission [$7] each day can not work for me. I really like skating, but it's also a mile walk after I get off the bus, with two pair of skates on my back. I walk a bit, to and from the bus stops wherever I end up, but I need something for the time being. Any ideas? Doctor says not to lift anything heavier than a gallon of milk. [I just want to skate.. Uggghh. -whines]


  • glitterpiss
    I don't have a lot of advice, other than take it easy on your self, but I just wanted to say CONGRATS on the hysto! :D I hope you feel better soon.
  • winslow44238
    Stretching in really slow fluid movement can help. You will feel like everything is locking up if you don't . I used to be a figure skater and had tendonitus in my knee, after 6 weeks in a full leg cast, the muscles started to shrink. Ask your doc if you can at least do slow fluid movements to keep everything working. Tai Chi I think it is called or other balance and stretching kind of thing.

    I feel for you. It is really tough to go from active to no exercise allowed at all. Also ask about water therapy. Maybe you can walk a lap or two in a pool a few times a week.
  • seal57
    seal57 Posts: 1,259 Member
    A hyster is a big operation so give your body time to heal...Listen to your doctor and take things easy....Just do some walking......
  • Monisp8
    I had a myomectomy (similar surgery) 11/14 and had the same restrictions. I found a book that really helped me with eating properly even when you cant exercise. "Eat to Live" Joel Furhman. I have been following that and lost 4 lbs. Although, I gained some back over the holidays. Weight loss is about 80% nutrition and about 20% exercise. So if you focus on eating right, you can still lose weight until you can get back to skating. I know it's tough, as I am still recovering. But be careful to follow doctors orders, so you wont have a set back. It takes a while for the inside to heal. I wish you the best!
  • batalina
    batalina Posts: 209 Member
    i thought of tai-chi, i see someone else suggested that too!
  • takehimaway
    takehimaway Posts: 499 Member
    Glitterpiss, your name always makes me giggle. Thank you; it was painful, but it was worth it, however, still stuck with ovaries, scouring Portlandia to find a doctor to take them out.

    Winslow, I could definately look into Tai Chi. I don't know how to swim. ;x Girlfriend said she used to swim competively for nine years, so she is down to teach me, so that's something I could do.

    Seal, this is true. I'm trying to rest and relax, but also have my parents breathing down my neck, re: get another job. -sighs-

    Monis, are you healing up nicely? I think I am sometimes, but other times, I'm crying, curled up in a ball, and have to dive into the Perocet again. I could look up that book. Thank you!

    Batalina, what is it, really? Should I do some Googling?
  • Monisp8
    I am healing up pretty nicely. I weaned myself of the percocet about 2.5-3 weeks after surgery. The ibuprofen I stopped about 4 weeks after. I think I did pretty well because I followed my docs orders to the letter. I walked around the inside my house a couple of times a day just to keep myself moving. I got plenty of rest and did not go back to doing any type of activity until he released me. You have to remember they go through several layers of tissue so it is a lot of healing that needs to take place. Just don't rush it, you will be back in the swing of things soon enough. A side note... even after the 6 week recovery, it will take about another 8 weeks to get FULLY back in the swing of things. I am experiencing that now.
  • takehimaway
    takehimaway Posts: 499 Member
    I moved four states away two days after I got surgery, and then proceeded to actually move in after that, for about a week straight. I'm doing alright, just attemped the first two parts of the part one of 30 Day Shred. I am in pain, not from working out, but from surgery. I was pretty good off Perocet after two weeks, but lately pain has come back. I'm hoping some healing takes place stat! I don't wanna be fat anymore! Yeah, my dad tells me all the time to just take it easy, but then complains that I don't have a new job. I'm glad you're doing well.