Seriously, LADIES only. (Girl stuff)



  • I avoid weighing in a few days before, until a few days after. I noticed every month, consistantly, I hold mad weight around that time. When I looked it up on Women's Health it said during ovulation through actual cycle weight can fluctuate & give a false sense of where you're at. I find it discouraging to see a huge number jump. It just makes me want to do the period pig out & that's a no-no!
  • gumigal82
    gumigal82 Posts: 350
    Do you weigh in when you have AF?

    I have been at this for a couple of months, but wanted to weigh in for the new year just b/c it was a "fresh start". But b/t fearing I gained over Christmas, and then the arrival of my friend, I felt too bloated and gross to think about getting on a scale.

    No-Of course I don't get that with a certain med I'm on;) But never otherwise--I was always more emotional then,and I can only imagine what getting on a scale would do to me!
  • I hope you aren't afraid to said "period" or "menstrual cycle" or "menses". It OK, really.
  • Elle_Jamaicangirl81
    Elle_Jamaicangirl81 Posts: 418 Member
    I know what you're referring to....but what the heck does AF stand for?

    ^^^ This

    I think it's Aunt Flo...

    ^^^^ OHHHHHHHHHHH could not figure that out for the life of me

    To answer your question.. i weigh no matter what
  • nakabi
    nakabi Posts: 589 Member
    I know what you're referring to....but what the heck does AF stand for?

    hahaha I am so glad I am not the only woman who doesn't know what AF stands for.

    AF=Aunt Flo(w) \=menses

    Yes, I weigh during TOM
  • cassiejo84
    cassiejo84 Posts: 49 Member
    I lost 80lbs twice, but gained it all back :( So I'll answer even tho my ticker says that I haven't lost anything.

    I do weigh during AF, but the scale doesn't move at all during that week. The next week, though, the loss is usually big due to water loss from the bloating.
  • bjohs
    bjohs Posts: 1,225 Member
    Do you weigh in when you have AF?

    I have been at this for a couple of months, but wanted to weigh in for the new year just b/c it was a "fresh start". But b/t fearing I gained over Christmas, and then the arrival of my friend, I felt too bloated and gross to think about getting on a scale.

    I do. But I do it to track patterns in my weight fluctuations so that I know what to expect each month. I don't freak out during my cycle anymore. :)
  • brendac72
    brendac72 Posts: 109 Member
    I do weigh myself because as it was said previously it's part of our lives. You know its going to add a little for bloatness/water so it should come off again, it does for me anyway.
  • i weigh myself once a week or more. i like to see how my weight fluctuates. it makes me feel more in tune with my body
  • Please tell me what bump/nest/knot is? lol I have gained and lost a lot of lbs over the course of time. I have never run into this phrase! haha
  • I usually only weigh myself every couple of weeks, since the stress of the daily up and down makes me feel anxious and defeated. I would say that if you want a fresh start, it's always good to see what you're starting with-being honest with ourselves is the only way that we will have successful weight loss, but then don't stress about it.

    Good luck in the new year!
  • LMHinson15
    LMHinson15 Posts: 201 Member
    OH! *giggles*

    Aunt Flow....sheesh i havent heard that since I was a 13 year old haha

    Funny thing is I knew what "AF" was... but it's only in this context that I finally figured out what TOM was! I always read it and thought "why is everyone hating on this Tom guy!?"

    But yeah, I weigh during my period, but I don't sweat it too much.
  • 170isreal
    170isreal Posts: 151 Member
    I do because I want to still hold myself accountable, but I only weigh in once a week so i am depressed every single time I put on 3lbs from my period :(
  • I'm pretty sure she means 'Aunt Flow'. [= I weigh in everyday no matter what, but I don't always record it.
  • sunflower_yogi
    sunflower_yogi Posts: 78 Member
    rarely weigh (or record) at TOM.... for all the reasons most everyone has mentioned.
  • anubis609
    anubis609 Posts: 3,966 Member
    I weigh in after every punctuation mark. I don't discriminate between periods and exclamation points. Though, semi-colons might seem unnecessary at times; I use them as segues into witty banter and nonsensical euphemisms.
  • I don't weigh myself during my period. I think it is a general rule with us women, although I'm not really sure if us menstruating causes a change in our weight. I do know to weigh myself first thing in the morning, nude, after I've had my first urination and before I eat or drink anything.
  • forgtmenot
    forgtmenot Posts: 860 Member
    OH! *giggles*

    Aunt Flow....sheesh i havent heard that since I was a 13 year old haha

    Funny thing is I knew what "AF" was... but it's only in this context that I finally figured out what TOM was! I always read it and thought "why is everyone hating on this Tom guy!?"

    Lol me too^

    I also weigh during AF but I expect it to be about 2lbs or so higher during that time so I don't really pay much attention to it.
  • Jocelyn0415
    Jocelyn0415 Posts: 14 Member
    Please tell me what bump/nest/knot is? lol I have gained and lost a lot of lbs over the course of time. I have never run into this phrase! haha
    LOL! The Bump/Nest/Knot are websites that are all connected, but used for different things. The Knot is for wedding planning, The Nest is for married people/new homeowners, and The Bump is for pregnancy. They all have message boards. That's where a handful of us in this thread met.
  • jess_blonde
    jess_blonde Posts: 229 Member
    I weigh in after every punctuation mark. I don't discriminate between periods and exclamation points. Though, semi-colons might seem unnecessary at times; I use them as segues into witty banter and nonsensical euphemisms.
