Optimum Nutrition Protein Powders

myak623 Posts: 615 Member
edited October 2024 in Food and Nutrition
I see a lot of folks using this protein powder. Not the one I'm currently using. I've looked at nutrition info. Looks like a good choice. Is the variety of flavors the main reason this one is popular? Well, along with the low cal, low sugar, decent protein levels.


  • AmyEm3
    AmyEm3 Posts: 784 Member
    It's the only brand I've tried so I don't have a lot of experience in this area but...it tastes good, it's not too expensive, and it's easy to mix too.
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    I see a lot of folks using this protein powder. Not the one I'm currently using. I've looked at nutrition info. Looks like a good choice. Is the variety of flavors the main reason this one is popular? Well, along with the low cal, low sugar, decent protein levels.

    They make a high quality product, i personally don't care for their taste, but it is high quality
  • I like their taste so I have stuck with them. If you don't get it right though it can be kind of chemically tasting and it does have a slight chemical smell to it.

    People say that the myofusion is nummy....the banana kind at least. I have fallen in love with banana...it is like a laffy taffy. Or throw some strawberries in and it tastes pretty good too.
  • I've used this protein and still do for P90X, it has the highest concentration of protein per serving from what I've found, and the chocolate tastes good too. hope that helps.
  • Cr357
    Cr357 Posts: 238

    They make a high quality product, i personally don't care for their taste, but it is high quality
    This ^^ ^^, and they have good marketing. I used ON for years then I switched to Myofusion.
  • bethvandenberg
    bethvandenberg Posts: 1,496 Member
    I like it. I find it's the best for the $ and it's easy to find and I live in a small town.

  • They make a high quality product, i personally don't care for their taste, but it is high quality
    This ^^ ^^, and they have good marketing. I used ON for years then I switched to Myofusion.

    I also used ON for a year or so then switched to Gaspari ... I like Gaspari much better
  • I've done a ton of research on On and its competitors including but not limited to Gaspari. ON also comes very highly recommended form nutritionists w/ whom I've spoken. They know their stuff and I trust them. I'm a fan of their vanilla flavored *natural* pro complex, and their newer platinum hydro builder is great too. Go with the chocolate shake flavor. Mix in a shaker with almond milk or regular milk and some ice.
  • djmarciad
    djmarciad Posts: 3 Member
    I started my program using Ideal Protein administered and monitored by a chiropractor which enabled me to drop serious pounds due to being in ketosis. I did not like the high price, nor did I like the high sodium content in the product. I decided to continue my endeavor using Opt. Nutrition's Complete Protein Diet shakes as they are higher in protein content per scoop, higher in vitamin/mineral content, much lower in sodium and in carbs. I am getting more protein per serving with this product and hope to get off the plateau with it. I purchased the 4.5 pound jugs online at SupplementWarehouse.com with free shipping. My total for 9 pounds of shake mix, one vanilla and one chocolate, was under $120.00!

    Remember when you're consuming high protein, the body can only metabolize 60 mgs of protein at one time, so don't think more is better. Also, I can mix the Opt. Nut. with decaf coffee and ice for a GREAT frappaccino when I'm at home. I haven't tried any of the other flavors as I am quite satisfied with just the two.

    You must supplement with a multi, potassium, magnesium, and calcium so you don't deplete your body and create dificiencies which are harmful. You don't want your bones to become brittle in the process of improving your general health.
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