
So lately I have gotten into the habit of adding the things I know i will eat to my food journal in the morning before I actually eat them. In my mind I think that this will keep me on track and remind me of what I have available for the later part of my day. Any thoughts on this and why it might not be a good idea?



  • laura789a
    laura789a Posts: 18 Member
    I quite often do that, helps me to plan my meals and then I can forget all about food for the day.

    If i dont plan ahead I seem to spend all day planning meals in my head and therefore spend the whole day thinking about food which leads, quite often, to naughty behaviour,

    I think we just need to do what works for us.

  • jgsm
    jgsm Posts: 16
    I do this, too. I'm a huge planner, especially when it comes to food (when it comes to pretty much everything, really) . I have weekly menus, snacks for kids, shopping lists, etc always planned out, written down, kept track of.....

    I do think it helps me focus on healthy eating better. If I know what I'm going to have for lunch, etc - there's no last minute staring in the fridge or cabinets wondering and bargaining with myself about what I should eat. Also, it helps me put left-overs to good use. Great to control both my waist and waste!

    And it's seriously easy to change my food log if I switch something up, so really no big deal.
  • swilkie1961
    swilkie1961 Posts: 107 Member
    I don't log till I eat, but I plan out meals for the day. For me, I no longer live to eat, but eat to live, which is big change for me. So keeping my meals simple works best for me.
  • mcdonl
    mcdonl Posts: 342 Member
    I like to scan items as much as possible, so when my wife or I am cooking I will scan the ingredients and build recipes that will be eaten later. Any logging is goog logging.
  • flimflamfloz
    flimflamfloz Posts: 1,980 Member
    That's actually what a lot of people do... Meal planning is a really good idea.
    Although I give myself a bit of slack sometimes, and don't do it for a few days.

    Why it would be a bad idea? Because the MFP interface doesn't really catter for it... Apart from that, only positives IMHO.
  • auntie_missy
    auntie_missy Posts: 113 Member
    I do this as well. The only real downfall is if you forget to go back and make any necessary changes - say you eat a cookie at work or only eat half the lunch you thought you would. Otherwise, it's a good way to figure out your choices on your time rather than in the moment when you might be more likely to just grab something easy or that you're craving.
  • FJHutch
    FJHutch Posts: 34
    I am finding it helpful, particularly when I am making a meal myself rather than just scanning a couple of packets. If I know what I am eating I find it easier to avoid going over my target because if I get peckish I know what snacks I can have.
  • Tamber1969
    Tamber1969 Posts: 11 Member
    Thank you everyone...I tend to be pretty structured and this definitely helps. I'm glad to see that I'm not the only one this works for! Happy Hump Day!!