
I have been stuck for almost a month, with neither weight loss or weight gain. My calorie goal is 1200, but I usually stay around 1,000-1,100. I have intentionally kept my calories 100-200 lower because I have not been exercising. I know I need to exercise, but I read in an article that nutrition is the biggest factor in weight loss. Now I am plannng on getting back on the straight and narrow with the exercise, but I wondered if anyone has any ideas. I am afraid to increase my calories to 1,200, because if I am maintaining at 1,000-1,100, it stands to reason that I would start gaining if I add another 1-200 calories a day. HELP:explode:


  • jlauren6
    jlauren6 Posts: 209
    While I agree that nutrition is a huge factor, I don't think you see results with out exercise. Personally when I started out here I had to completely change my eating habits first...then I slowly worked in the exercise, which I now love! Try doing some basic home workouts and eating a little more, sometimes you just need to change things up!! Good luck! :bigsmile:
  • sbjg2430
    sbjg2430 Posts: 19
    you do need to exercise but i would also say that you are not eating enough. Anything less than those 1200 calories and your body kind of goes into starvation mode. I know it sounds counter-productive but you really do have to eat to lose weight. I just recently started MFP myself and I have trouble with this mentality too sometimes. It's important to remember that you burn more than 1200 calories just by being alive, so even if you use up all 1200 calories and don't exercise, you will still lose weight. Hope that helps!
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    I just posted this on another thread......

    My weight loss stalled when I was netting under 1200 - increased to 1300-1400 and I've been doing better....I try to NEVER go below 1200 now. When I exercise, I am eating more - sometimes up to 1800 a day to offset the extra burn so that I will still net above 1200.....
  • tig3rang3l
    tig3rang3l Posts: 270 Member
    This has been posted before, I can't find the other link, but I found it very helpful. Good luck