"In the Fat Trap"

Hi Everyone,

Just wanted to share a link for an awesome article off of NPR called, "In 'The Fat Trap,' Our Bodies Work Against Us." I found it interesting and helpful. It's about the difficulty of maintaining weight. I actually found it somewhat comforting to learn why it is so difficult to maintain and to know it's not *just* about willpower.


Have a great day!


  • MrObundles
    MrObundles Posts: 41 Member
    Great knowledge! I love the part when she explains how your body releases hormones that naturally increase your hunger and then sends messages to the brain. And natural body weight vs weight-loss body weight.
  • MrObundles
    MrObundles Posts: 41 Member
    Great knowledge! I love the part when she explains how your body releases hormones that natural increase your hunger and then sends messages to the brain. And natural body weight vs weight-loss body weight.