calorie ?

so i just switched from 1450 calorie intake to 1200 and i am noticing that i am having a hard time not going over my 1200 because i am still hungrey.. any helpful suggestions so i dont feel so hungrey?


  • mandyc1108
    mandyc1108 Posts: 57 Member
    I would gradually step down....not go that far at once. Maybe try 1425 the first week, then as you get used to that go down to 1400 the next week. You might adapt a little better to it.
  • Poison5119
    Poison5119 Posts: 1,460 Member
    Eat more.

    Seriously. There are few people who can live on a calorie allottment like that. I'm not surprised you're hungry. Those 1200 cals are just for existing - they don't include your activities of daily living.
  • sassiebritches
    sassiebritches Posts: 1,861 Member
    Why did you lower??? Were you at a standstill?? Cause I heard that if you are at a standstill and have lost alot that you should get closer to your goal bmr (up your cals) and if you are at a standstill maybe boost your workouts, or change them......My nutritionist says, eat between 1200-1500 cals, stay closer to 1200 when I don't workout and stay under 1500 when I do workout. So why not chose a range. I have always found it very difficult to stay at 1200 myself.

    Good luck and tell me how it goes.

  • elizabethlagudo
    You could try to eat snacks that are high in Fiber because they make you feel fuller. I also reccomend drinking lots of water. I drink about 3 liters a day and it keeps me full. If you intake the same amound of water everyday you don't need to worry about over using the bathroom. I would also recommend finding something to take your mind off eating, sometimes when I have cravings I will do laundry or the dishes to keep my mind of eating.
  • UltraThinJen
    I know this doesn't sound much but drink lots of water and don't give in. You have to adjust your body to less food and you will eventually get use to it. After a while you get full on less food. Today was the first day I actually didn't eat as much for dinner because I was full. Also eating bigger portions of things like salad, broccoli, and lean meats can help. Just keep counting those calories and exercise more if you go over.
  • tig3rang3l
    tig3rang3l Posts: 270 Member
    Eat more.

    Seriously. There are few people who can live on a calorie allottment like that. I'm not surprised you're hungry. Those 1200 cals are just for existing - they don't include your activities of daily living.

    I second this... I'm 5'2, and I found 1200 calories very difficult to stay within... I lost weight for about a month with that setting, but I think I did it harder than it had to be. Amazingly enough, I just stepped up to 1400 and I started losing MORE weight. Your body is telling you something when you are hungry sometimes... you need energy.

    If you really feel you need 1200 calories, I'd suggest small portions through the day, lots of water, and lots of veggies. Make sure at the very least you are taking a multi vitamin. Good luck!
  • 00Angela00
    00Angela00 Posts: 1,077 Member
    Protein! include low fat cheese into a snack, etc try doing 5 small meals a day instead of 3 big meals and 2 snacks
  • shannonkk
    shannonkk Posts: 192 Member
    i like to do meals that are very filling and low calories like oatmeal, egg white omelet with salsa -spinach -onions and low carb wrap, or a baked potatoe with salsa-a tbls refried beans-tbls lite sourcream, or a chicken breast and 2 cups steamed veggies but my number one trick is drinking a big hot cup of tea after breakfast and lunch, it tricks my stomach into thinking its stuffed when actually im just satisfied and water all day. i eat every 2 hours or so and usually about 150 to 300 calories at a time. I always save 150 calories for my skinny cow ice cream sandwich in the evening, it also has 3grams fiber.