Indianapolis Weight Loser in the House

Hey everyone! I am 27, 305 lbs and 5'11". Its time to make a change! I previously have lost 70 lbs in a year and was just STELLAR at this whole diet, exericse thing and then something happened and it all went away. I am now 4lbs over my highest weight when I started last time. Took me only a year to gain it all back.... wow! So, here is to self forgiveness, excitement, motivation, and success -- 1 lb at a time!

I am in Indy, east side up near Lawrence and would welcome any local or national friends who need a buddy, support system, and chatter!

~ Cate


  • parrott06
    Congrats on the weightloss! We all have slip ups, but here is to a new year and new goals!

    I am 28 and weigh 188. About 7 years ago I lost 60 lbs and have gained almost all of it back. I'm determined to get this weight off so I can keep up with my 3 year old. We can do this!!! 1 lb at a time!!!!!!!!