New here...need to drop baby weight!

Hi! I'm Rachel and I'm new to myfitnesspal, I am a new mom to a beautiful 8 month old baby girl and I am finding myself struggling to take off the baby weight. I am hoping to find some friends that will help support me that have maybe been in my shoes, diet and exercise tips are always welcome. Feel free to add me :)


  • :smile: Hi Rachel. My name is Adrienne and I just started my diet today. I had a baby back in August and I need to drop the weight. Its hard with working full time and having the baby and a husband and house...etc. I have my husband doing the diet with me and we take turns exercising. He entertains the baby.while I workout and vice versa. I love the Pilates.body ring Dvd. Its awesome and is a good 40 min workout that works everything. We can stay motivated together if you want.
  • dealluver
    dealluver Posts: 45 Member
    Becoming a mom is awesome! But your life is never the same and finding your new groove can take time and become frustrating. Kudos to you for taking time for you. I have 5 kids, my youngest is 9 months, so i can understand how you feel. I am determined to lose my baby weight also. As moms we can use all the encouragement we can get!
  • mrskesler
    mrskesler Posts: 73 Member
    welcome! congrats on your baby :)
  • Hi, my name is Lauren and my diet also starts today. I would like to drop the weight I've gained from my daughter as well as the pounds I put on before her. This is my first child, she is 10 weeks old and I am going back to school starting next monday. I'm taking an exercise class which will help but I would like to find some friends for support as well as just some friends to hang out with that know what I'm going through.
  • rachel121781
    rachel121781 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi ladies! Nice to meet you all! Becoming a mom has been the best thing to ever happen to me but it sure has taken a toll on my body. I will be the first to admit that I was never one for diet and exercise but while I was pregnant I indulged a little too much and gained 60 pounds (yikes!). So here I am, ready to get serious about losing this weight. I hope that with the help of some new friends we can all be the motivation that we need to kick each others butts into gear! Good luck ladies!!
  • courtneylyna
    courtneylyna Posts: 9 Member
    Hi! I'm Courtney, and after my second child I am on a mission to get to my ideal weight for ME! I need all the motivation I can get and try to give as much as I can! Good luck to you!!
  • lwoods34
    lwoods34 Posts: 302 Member
    You will get just takes some time, dedication and motivation. I know its hard to find that extra time to workout when you have a little one at home (my son is 15 months) but maybe get up a little earlier (before your baby wakes up) and do your workout then. That is what I do. My son usually wakes up around 7:30 or so. So Im up at 5:30-6 am to do my workout and get myself ready before he wakes up. I am lucky to have my own workout space in my basement, but even if you dont have equipment at home, buy a few fitness DVDs that are 30 minutes long and do those. Something is better than nothing at all.