Here we go again....

Catzwitch Posts: 205 Member
edited September 19 in Introduce Yourself
So tomorrow's the big day wher I cut waaaaaay back again and try and drop the 50lbs I've gained in the last 6 months. Again. :grumble:

So hi everybody, I'm Cat. Best of luck to everyone. :)


  • FalconSays
    FalconSays Posts: 62
    Hi Cat,
    Don't look at me like that. Sit up when I'm talking to you!
    I wish you all the luck with your 50lbs! I have a bucketload too, 38lbs.
    You have a beautiful pic, but your'e freakin me out, woman :-)

  • aprilvet
    aprilvet Posts: 724 Member
    Welcome and good luck!:flowerforyou:
  • Catzwitch
    Catzwitch Posts: 205 Member
    Thanks for the welcomes and the laughs. :)

    (now how do I get my ticker into my signature here.... hrm..... you'd think since I was an IT Sys Admin I'd know how to do this...)
  • neecey
    neecey Posts: 16
    Hi Cat,
    I had 30 and have lost 12 since Jan 7th :)
    Taking it slooooow *this time* so it stays gone!!! LOL
    You can do it! This site is awesome - so many people here to help and cheer for you!
  • neecey
    neecey Posts: 16
    click on Tools tab and it will walk you thru from there :wink:
  • Catzwitch
    Catzwitch Posts: 205 Member
    Thanks (and duh, I just had to look under the tech thread to see that I was completely ignoring the settings tab, lol).:blushing:
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