Gym memberships? Yes no?

Is it worth the money to join a gym?


  • GeneaCindy
    GeneaCindy Posts: 148 Member
    It is for me, but it may not be for everyone.
  • ryno0618
    ryno0618 Posts: 361
    It was for me. I ran outdoors and used the elliptical at home the first 6 months of my weight loss journey. But then it grew colder outside and I needed to incorporate strength training and weights. The gym has been the best thing ever!!!! It helps that my gym is relatively new, great equipment, and never overly crowded.
  • ajlarz
    ajlarz Posts: 155 Member
    Worth it for me, but many people succeed without having gym memberships. To me, there is something about going to a gym and having many others working out around me that keeps me motivated. Some people would much rather exercise in the comfort of their home, or outdoors if possible. Find what works best for you!
  • lcs1211
    lcs1211 Posts: 121 Member
    Gym membership definitely for me. If I try to exercise at home, life gets in the way and too easy to make excuses. I am paying to go to the gym and I go faithfully 6 days a week (rare occasions only 5). It is much easier for me to stay dedicated when I am paying and there are lots of different things to do at the gym.
  • cheri0627
    cheri0627 Posts: 369 Member
    I would say it depends on what you're looking for whether or not it's worth it.

    For me, I have joined a CrossFit gym. I need the scheduled classes. I need the support of others. I need the attention of a trainer making sure I'm doing things correctly and offering suggestions so that I can progress as I want to.

    Something like this isn't for everyone.

    Some people just want a place that has machines they can go pound out a workout on.
    Some people just want a place that offers classes like zumba and spinning.
    Some people want the attention of a personal trainer.
    Some people want a place that offers child care.

    It all depends on what you want and what you want to get out of it. If you have a place nearby that fits in your budget that offers what you want and _that_you_will_use_ then I think it's worth it.
  • There's something about making PAYMENT$ that has motivated me to exercise. Haha. But kudos to those with the discipline to work out from home, keep active with sports, and/or utilize nearby parks/trails/school tracks!
  • Sweet13_Princess
    Sweet13_Princess Posts: 1,207 Member
    I think it depends on the person. When I workout at home, I find I'm lazier and don't put forth as much effort.

    When I workout at the gym, I push myself harder because I don't want people to think I'm a fat wimp. I also find that I compete against people I see there, trying to match their running pace for example. It pushes me beyond what I think I can do.

    Also, a gym is nice because it introduces you to different equipment and thus keeps your body from adapting to particular routines, that way you don't plateau as often.

    Lastly, I like the gym because I like meeting new people and finding workout buddies. I met my best friend, Barb, there and we still workout sometimes! Of course, we do our own thing sometimes too.

    From my own personal history: I went to the gym 5-6 days a week for five years. Then, I dropped my membership to workout at home and spend more time with my now-husband. I gained back all the weight I had lost in a year and a half.... so I know if i want to work it off and keep it off, I have to keep going!

  • jaqu3lin3
    jaqu3lin3 Posts: 2 Member
    because its freezing where i live for part of the year i think a membership for that time is awesome but over the spring and summer its kinda a waste of money cause you can do pretty much all the same stuff in your yard
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    For me it wouldn't be, because I wouldn't go. If I were considering a gym, I'd find one that had a free week or two to test it out.
  • Like other said it depends on you and how much you will use it. I have a treadmill at home and have been running and using DVDs for my exercise. Since I had surgery and wont be able to do some of that for a while I am going to join a guy because I cant afford to buy an elliptical and a bike too lol or a pool :)
  • melsinct
    melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member
    All depends on the person. I used to be a gym member but started slacking- I find weight machines boring so I was just doing cardio which got old quickly. I found what works best for me is a small group setting instead of a show up whenever you want gym. I will be honest, if I am not paying money and someone doesn't expect to see me, I get lazy when it comes to strength training. I now go to a pilates class 2x/week for an hour at a clip. For me it also comes down to finding something you love to do, not just going through the motions because you *have* to workout.
  • SunshineCarrie
    SunshineCarrie Posts: 29 Member
    I'd say that it depends on what kind of person you are. Getting to the gym requires a bit more motivation than just putting on a DVD you have at home but being there can help you challenge yourself more - simply because you will not like to let the time you spent getting there go to waste. And, of course, other people are there, and that can feel motivating too! You don't want to be slacking off when a bunch of people is around :D

    Gym membership has been worth it for me mainly because of cardio I can add to my routine there. I don't have any equipment at home, and its way too cold to run outside now (and I love running). Also, I met a trainer there with whom I now have a training session or two a month, and that is a great thing for me.

    Another thing - if your gym membership includes fitness classes, that's pretty good, too. Good way to mix up your routine!
  • ChevyChick88
    ChevyChick88 Posts: 356 Member
    The gym is something that has always helped to motivate me to make good choices regarding working out. I feel like I work hard for my money, so when I purchanse a membership, which is usually not a really cheap investment, I feel guilty if I waste the money. Plus, you can find really good support at the gym. It is a community of people who share similar goals and has similar interets as you. If said gym has classes, take advantage of that too. I love the group classes at the gym!
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    I have a membership for many reasons.

    One - the classes are mostly free (zumba, spinning, etc.),
    Two - my children participate in group activities there
    Three - the gym has equipment that my home gym does not
    Four - it's a place to go workout when my garage is too hot or cold

    I do a combination of things...home gym in garage, planks in living room, run in my neighborhood, take classes at gym, work out in fitness center when required. I like the variety.
  • alyssamiller77
    alyssamiller77 Posts: 891 Member
    Is it worth the money to join a gym?

    It's a personal choice, you have to see if it works for you. To that end, the best way to join a gym is to get either a month-to-month membership (i.e. no long term contract) for at least a month or two so that you can see if it's something that works for you and something you can stick to. If that's not available, look to get at least a one month trial. One to two weeks is not enough. After a month the novelty starts to wear off and then you'll find out if you're really committed to keeping at it.

    I like having a gym membership for a number of reasons. First, my gym is open 24 hrs 5 days a week and 12 hours each day on the weekend, so I have the flexibility to go whenever I want. Second, since I have to make a trip to get there and it's a dedicated facility to only fitness I ensure that I will not get distracted into other things while I'm working out (I never take my cell phone out on the floor with me). Third the availability of many pieces of equipment I could never afford on my own is great. This allows me to try new exercises/movements and keep things fresh. Fourth, being there working out with other people is a helpful motivator to me. I see the same people each day so it's a form of peer pressure that I know if they don't see me on a particular day or for a few days in a row they'll know I've fallen off the wagon. Also, seeing people that look like where I used to be or look like what I want to get to helps keep me going too.
  • Barneystinson
    Barneystinson Posts: 1,357 Member
    I go to a gym because I don't have the space nor the funds to perform my weightlifting program at home.

    Running, on the other hand, I much prefer to do outside, but the gym is a nice fall back if I absolutely cannot run outside.
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    it's like college. you get out of it what you put in.
  • ajanmillie
    ajanmillie Posts: 241 Member
    I love my gym. there is no way I am going out in this crappy weather. plus they have so many different machines to play with.
  • Jeff92se
    Jeff92se Posts: 3,369 Member
    Is it worth the money to join a gym?

    Yes? No? Maybe?
  • There are so many gyms that DON'T require a contract, I would suggest starting with a month-to-month membership to figure out if you're going to go or just make a donation. If you end up being a gym-rat, you can trade up to a more posh facility. If you live in a cold weather locale, a gym is a must.