Looking for friends for support!

Hi ...I am just getting back on this site after a long absence. Recently gained 4 lbs over the holiday and really need some inspiration to get going again. Excited tho to get a plan in action and look better than ever in 2012!


  • Just go ahead and don't look behind. Say the phrase: I dont stop when im tired, I stop when i am done. It has helped me. Today I ripped my quads and abs. Whew!! YOU CAN DO IT!!!!!!!! Only 4 pounds...You'll get that off in no time flat!!!
  • Just go ahead and don't look behind. Say the phrase: I dont stop when im tired, I stop when i am done. It has helped me. Today I ripped my quads and abs. Whew!! YOU CAN DO IT!!!!!!!! Only 4 pounds...You'll get that off in no time flat!!!

    OH! I like that saying!
  • It keeps me going...thats for sure! I have learned to think about something you are looking forward too and it goes by faster!