breast feeding on this plan

ashquin Posts: 248 Member
hi i am new to this plan. i was wondering if anyone knew if its ok to breast feed while doing this. I am currently doing weight watchers but i do not care for their new plan. is anyone else b.f'ding and doing this?


  • DiamondRubyMom
    DiamondRubyMom Posts: 147 Member
    I am not but many people do. Some people add 500 calories of "exercise" to counter balance the calories you burn nursing. Good luck!
  • CMmrsfloyd
    CMmrsfloyd Posts: 2,380 Member
    *copying from where I just responded to a similar question yesterday :-)

    Yes - go into your food diary and click 'add food' then in the search box type 'breastfeeding'. There are several options you can choose which will bump up your calorie goal a bit higher. For example, if you choose 'breastfeeding exclusively' it will give you an additional 500 calories on top of your goal, if you choose 'breastfeeding - mom of older baby' it will add 300 calories to your goal. Choose the option that sounds closest to your situation. If baby is nursing exclusively, no solids and no formula, then choose that 500 cal option. If baby takes some formula or has started eating some solids, choose the 'mom of older baby' option.

    You do need to do this each and every day to bump up that calorie goal every day. But once you choose it a couple of times, it starts showing up in a 'most used' list so that you can find and add it more quickly. Also, as baby starts feeding at the breast less and less, keep that in mind and bump down to a lower calorie option when you feel it's appropriate.

    ETA: Also, make sure you stay really well hydrated, as I'm sure you already know ;-), AND there are some herbal supplements and foods that are recommended to help keep up milk production - you can go ahead and use some of those proactively if you want to - oatmeal (the less processed, the better), fenugreek, fennel seed, and there are quite a few other supplements that can be helpful with milk production. They are NOT a substitute for getting enough calories and staying hydrated, but they may help give a little boost in some situations.
  • LemonsAndCoffee
    LemonsAndCoffee Posts: 313 Member
    Hi there! I am still bf'ing my daughter at nighttime. I would think as long as you drink enough water and don't try to drop pounds too fast your supply would be able to maintain. How old is your baby? I have 2 daughers, 5 yrs old and 10 months old. So fun!
    Good luck!!!
  • jlnk
    jlnk Posts: 188 Member
    I think it depends on whether or not your supply is established. I started MFP when my supply was fully established and have not experienced any problems.
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    I used MFP through my pregnancy and now use it while breastfeeding. My baby is 3 months old.

    There is a "food" breastfeeding category. It includes "exclusively whole day" (what I use) and is -500 calories, but there is also a few part time options, so if you supplement you can use that.

    Be aware that some women lose really easily while BF, but others hang on to the fat "like a squirrel storing nuts" as one friend put it. That would be me - I lost the pregnancy weight (17 lbs) but haven't lost anything more to speak of - I still have 20 pounds to my goal, and it is going slowly. It's important to listen to your body and not push yourself too hard. After my baby is weaned (after his is 12 months or beyond) is the time I can hit it really hard. Now I'm focusing on not binging, working out daily, and getting the right nutrients and balance of fats, carbs, and protein. I hope to lose some more, but a good milk supply for my little guy is far more important!

    edited to add: This is the 3rd baby I have exclusively breastfed, so I'm not basing the above commentary on just 3 months, but also past experience. Hopefully you are one who drops weight easily by bf :happy:
  • CMmrsfloyd
    CMmrsfloyd Posts: 2,380 Member
    I think it depends on whether or not your supply is established. I started MFP when my supply was fully established and have not experienced any problems.

    It will also depend on how low MFP takes your calories - if MFP recommends 1200 calories and you're breastfeeding exclusively burning 500 per day, that only leaves your body 700 to live off of each day. That's not enough. Many people would find that their body would prioritize using calories to function properly over providing a good milk supply. That's why the option exists to add extra calories for breastfeeding. People with more weight to lose that get a higher calorie recommendation from MFP might not experience problems but people who have less weight to lose and are given that pretty low goal might have issues if they don't take in extra calories.
  • theelsoms4
    theelsoms4 Posts: 3 Member
    I am also nursing a 4 month old. This is my third child and I want to move the accumulation of excess baggage after having 3 children in 5 years. I am not following the rigid 1200 per day as the little one has been feeding like crazy due to a growth spurt.:happy:
  • ashquin
    ashquin Posts: 248 Member
    thank you everyone this really helped. my son is 6 months and is on other foods now so i guess it would be for older baby.
  • ashquin
    ashquin Posts: 248 Member
    thank you. this was VERY helpful.
    *copying from where I just responded to a similar question yesterday :-)

    Yes - go into your food diary and click 'add food' then in the search box type 'breastfeeding'. There are several options you can choose which will bump up your calorie goal a bit higher. For example, if you choose 'breastfeeding exclusively' it will give you an additional 500 calories on top of your goal, if you choose 'breastfeeding - mom of older baby' it will add 300 calories to your goal. Choose the option that sounds closest to your situation. If baby is nursing exclusively, no solids and no formula, then choose that 500 cal option. If baby takes some formula or has started eating some solids, choose the 'mom of older baby' option.

    You do need to do this each and every day to bump up that calorie goal every day. But once you choose it a couple of times, it starts showing up in a 'most used' list so that you can find and add it more quickly. Also, as baby starts feeding at the breast less and less, keep that in mind and bump down to a lower calorie option when you feel it's appropriate.

    ETA: Also, make sure you stay really well hydrated, as I'm sure you already know ;-), AND there are some herbal supplements and foods that are recommended to help keep up milk production - you can go ahead and use some of those proactively if you want to - oatmeal (the less processed, the better), fenugreek, fennel seed, and there are quite a few other supplements that can be helpful with milk production. They are NOT a substitute for getting enough calories and staying hydrated, but they may help give a little boost in some situations.
  • it depends how often you are bf and how many calories you take in/burn out. i am also bf, but my daughter will be starting to wean off in 1 month
  • ljedmom
    ljedmom Posts: 44 Member
    Congratulations on your baby and your MFP start! I am bf baby number 4 right now. She's 7 months. Feel free to add if you are still looking for friends! It helps me to have support from others in roughly the same life phase :)