Protein Shakes..

Hi Everyone!
I am going to be starting p90x next week and was told it would be a good idea to add a protein shake for after the workout to help repair muscles. I have never tried protein shakes before and am looking for reccomendations? Honestly the only ones I have even seen are the special K protein shakes sold at Target. Thanks for the info!


  • Jeff92se
    Jeff92se Posts: 3,369 Member
    How is your protein intake now? If it's adequate, you won't really need them.

    I use them because I lift weights 3-4 times a week and it's really difficult to get enough w/o killing my calorie counts
  • hkmamma
    hkmamma Posts: 70
    I buy the whey protein powder at Sam's Club or Walmart and mix my own. It comes in Vanilla and Chocolate. I take a scoop of Vanilla and blend with a frozen banana and water...Yummy!
  • mllowe2
    mllowe2 Posts: 50 Member
    The Special K ones are pretty good and relatively cheap compared to others out there.
  • melizerd
    melizerd Posts: 870 Member
    If you're using MFPs recommended protein you'll need to up it, MFP sets protein pretty low.

    In a pinch I have used the Light Muscle Milk ones (chocolate only and cold!)

    But mostly I make my own using protein powder from GNC.
  • I have heard that fat free chocolate milk is good for after a workout.:smile:
  • lynheff
    lynheff Posts: 393 Member
    I buy Designer Whey and mix it with almond milk ( 2x the calcium),or skim milk ( increased protein) or crystal light ( low calorie and many different flavors). My doc recommended that I add extra protein and this is a really easy way to get it. I found that some brands turned slimy or were hard to dissolve. You do have to read some of the packaged shakes carefully because some are high in calories and/or carbs. Hope that helps.
  • I regularly use Optimum Nutrition Gold Standard which I buy on Amazon, I regularly use it after my workouts to get enough protein with out going over on cals, and I also make a shake with some variation of chocolate powder and coffee almost every morning as part of my breakfast since they are so quick to throw together. Chocolate milk is also great after a work out.
  • nukehiker
    nukehiker Posts: 457
    I am currently using body fortress, you can buy it at CVS and walmart i think. it's about $20 for a 2 pound container. also look for one that is low in sugar, fats, and carbs. some of the whey protein powders are loaded with fillers so look at the labels. the body fortress i am using in 52g of protein per 2 scoop serving. you need a good amount of protein to repiar your muscles especially in programs like P90X. lots of pull ups and push ups in the program.
  • lplautz
    lplautz Posts: 19
    MFP has my goal at 45 and I typically consume between 60-70. I do the ellipitcal right now for about 40 minutes, but this will be my first attempt incorporating weights and toning. Thanks for all your input :)
  • Quiing
    Quiing Posts: 261 Member
    I recommend Isopure Zero Carb shakes! You can get it from GNC and Vitamin Shoppe
  • Jeff92se
    Jeff92se Posts: 3,369 Member
    MFP has my goal at 45 and I typically consume between 60-70. I do the ellipitcal right now for about 40 minutes, but this will be my first attempt incorporating weights and toning. Thanks for all your input :)

    You want at least 0.5 to 1 gram of protein per lean body mass. So you need a rough estimate of your BF%. P90X isn't what I call strength training in the tradtional sense as the weights are too light and reps are very high.
  • Riverofbeauty
    Riverofbeauty Posts: 205 Member
    I've just started drinking protein shakes to up my protein intake to 1g of protein per lb I weigh. Which is a general rule a lot of people go by. Protein powder certainly helps with reaching that goal, as well as other added nutrients they have.
  • goldfinger88
    goldfinger88 Posts: 686 Member
    Protein powders range from cheap to expensive. The quality has a range too. I use EnergyFirst. It comes from healthy, grass fed cows and tastes good. It is also expensive. A cheaper alternative is BioChem.
  • AEcklar813
    AEcklar813 Posts: 184 Member
    I make my own protein shakes. Right now I use smart smoothie from complete nutrition. (I won it at a zumba benefit! but I will be buying the whey protein from walmart this week since I ran out)

    1 scoop chocolate protein powder
    1/2 cup frozen berries
    1/2 milk

    that's the one I've been making recently

    or I also like this one too:

    1 scoop chocolate protein powder
    1/2 milk
    1-2 tbl of peanut butter

    You can find a bunch of recipes online as well if you search! Good luck!
  • rebeccap13
    rebeccap13 Posts: 754 Member
    I recommend Isopure Zero Carb shakes! You can get it from GNC and Vitamin Shoppe

    Agreed, I use this and I love it. A little pricey but you don't get a bunch of added crap with it.
  • Jeff92se
    Jeff92se Posts: 3,369 Member
    I've just started drinking protein shakes to up my protein intake to 1g of protein per lb I weigh. Which is a general rule a lot of people go by. Protein powder certainly helps with reaching that goal, as well as other added nutrients they have.

    IMHO that is too much. As you want to match your lean body mass. No need to take protein for the fat content. I'd probably cut it to 0.5 grams per lean body mass and see what happens.
  • kimmie185
    kimmie185 Posts: 550 Member
    I've tried many brands and the Isopure Zero Carb Whey Protein is so far the best I've tried! I mix it in with fat free milk.
    It really depends on taste preference though, if a store will let you sample something before you purchase the $50 tub then go that route because there is alot of protiens on the market that taste like crap! I've wasted so much money on powders that I bought and later found out I couldn't stomach.

    I personally would not recomment the Special K bars and shakes because they have sugar in them, but that's just my personal preference.
  • I agree , if you have already enough protein then you may want to look into L-glutemine, It is a must for anyone who workouts and even for people that dont. Check it out online, it will help repair muscles and also is very good for your digestive track, I had chemotherapy last winter and it actually repaired the nerve damage that was done to my toes and fingers. Good Luck
  • chele76
    chele76 Posts: 28 Member
    I go to Max Muscle and use some of their protein products. Plus they give great nutritional advice. I'd recomend some Glutamine to help with your muscle recovery as well. If you are working out hard for 60 minutes or more, you definitely want a quick absorbing protein - like whey (around 20grams) AND some qucik absorbing carbs - sugary / pulpy fruits like banannas (around 30 grams of carbs) within 30 minutes of working out.

    I don't recomend any of the mass produced pre made shakes like Special K (mostly sugar carbs anyway) - or Muscle Milk (too much by products that can be hard on your kidneys & liver)
  • Here's some links I found when I was considering protein powder. It basically depends on whether or not you're trying to use it to build muscle mass or lose weight. The trickier situation being losing weight: while protein powders do offer more protein for better muscle repair you have to factor in the carbs you consume with the powder you choose as you could end up increasing your caloric intake. Sugar free or low carb powders are available but they tend to be more expensive.