New Year, Time to Make it Count

Hey Everyone,
Like many of you I have recently refocused my efforts in losing weight. I'm 33 and 6'0" tall and weigh 213 lbs as of today. I want to get into the 180's and maintain a healthy weight. After looking at several sites I really like how this one is put together especially with the app for iPhone. The social interaction I think is also something I've missed in previous attempts. So I figured why not just put a shout out to a few thousand strangers.

I'm hoping to add some friends to help encourage me with what you already have accomplished and be inspired by what you are accomplishing everyday. I hope to also return the favor.

One thing that has recently inspired me is Nike's #MakeItCount twitter campaign. It's been great to see some of the things people are focused on accomplishing this year and losing weight and creating a healthier lifestyle is definitely a focus for me this year. If you're on Twitter you should check it out.


  • Welcome! I recently joined myself and can say that what you wrote pretty much sums it up for me as well! At first I found the site tedious and really didn't make it a priority to hold myself accountable. The app for my android made it so much easier!! I've found that being accountable for my exercise and what I'm putting into my body keeps me in check! I'm excited to see how well this works!
  • Yeah the ability to scan labels is one of the biggest helps. Previously I would get tired of looking for exactly the right thing. Now is makes it easier to do and more convenient. It definitely helps with tracking calories in. My biggest obstacle is probably going to be the calories out through exercising consistently.
  • Welcome to the site. I started using it a few months back, but slacked off over the holidays. I'm also on here looking for new friends to help keep me accountable. I'm 26 years old, 6 feet tall and trying to get to 170-175 lbs. Currently I am 200, down from 215. Feel free to add me. I also need all the motivation I can get!