Anyone else wanna lose 20-30lbs!!

Hello dolls & gents! Everyone calls me Cici. I am almost 21, 5'2 and I weight 147lbs at the moment. I started MFP about..... 35 days ago. I have lost 7lbs but I am looking to lose about 25+lbs... My first goal however is to get down to 130lbs...

Anyone else looking to lose 20-30lbs!


  • clarkeje1
    clarkeje1 Posts: 1,640 Member
    25 more pounds to go and some toning!
  • karin_s
    karin_s Posts: 11
    Good going! I am 5'1 and weigh 153. Have to get my blood pressure down and the doc said I lose weight or get meds!
  • jchrisman717
    jchrisman717 Posts: 780 Member
    I am probably needing to lose about 30 lbs. I won't step on the scale at the moment but I am probably close to 160. I was flexing betwee 135 and 141 when I met my husband about two years ago and I felt very comfortable with that weight. I am only 5'2 but if I get down too much more than that I look too skinny - maybe that has something to do with my age - I am 47 and I think too skinny as you get older is not necessarily attractive.

    I am taking a personal training class 3 times a week. Trying to be good at logging in my foods and staying within my calorie range. I have been craving food and I am sure it is from the holidays as I had a ton of comfort foods. I've been thinking of doing a Jay Robb Fruit flush to help me get back on tract, but I don't want to lose a work out night at my class and you are not supposed to work out heavy on the fruit flush and it is 3 consecutive days. Hmm - trying to find a way around that but still get the benefits of the flush.
  • italianissima
    italianissima Posts: 140 Member
    Me!! Let's be friends!!
  • Just started 3 days ago. Pushing real hard. But I am so hungry. how should I get rid of these cravings. Snacking on carrots is getting old.
  • Just started 3 days ago. Pushing real hard. But I am so hungry. how should I get rid of these cravings. Snacking on carrots is getting old.
  • jchrisman717
    jchrisman717 Posts: 780 Member
    Just started 3 days ago. Pushing real hard. But I am so hungry. how should I get rid of these cravings. Snacking on carrots is getting old.

    Have you tried a protein shake? Its a good way to curb your cravings without upping your calorie intake. I use ice, water and one scoop of chocolate protein powder (I buy whey with no additives from GNC) and blend it and it taste like a smoothie - but only about 120 calories and the extra protein will help you not crave!
  • jlr_12
    jlr_12 Posts: 170 Member
    I'm 5'2 as well, 26 years old and currently 159lbs. Looking to get down somewhere around 130-140lbs. Hell I'd be happy just to be at your current weight at this point (that was my *normal* weight all through my undergrad...then I met my boyfriend haha).
  • iah_00
    iah_00 Posts: 2 Member
    wanting to lose 30lbs in 15 weeks!
  • Tribbey143
    Tribbey143 Posts: 388 Member
    I'm 5'2'' at best lol, I am 140 right now...My heaviest is 147...and I'm close to there so i know I gotta step my game up...I ALWAYS gain and LOSE and GAIN and it's time to lose and *fingers crossed* keep it off...we have similar goals...I wanna get to 115...I've seen some girls my height say 108 thats INSANE...being honest I dont think I'll get any lower then 125 which would still be amazing..add me if you want we have the same road ahead! thanx!
  • Deanna_garnermommy
    Deanna_garnermommy Posts: 118 Member
    good luck girls! I was 203 at 5'2",.... I am finally down to 156.6 as of this morning. I have 27 more to go till my goal but I will get there! Its a rough road.. if you nip this in the bud now you wont have to deal with it more severe like i did because i didnt control it sooner! Best wishes!!
  • artbaby1
    artbaby1 Posts: 12 Member
    I just started 3 days ago and yees, I am looking to lose 20lbs exactly. I can't wait to get off work and hit the gym! Good luck on your journey.
  • mogan1983
    mogan1983 Posts: 4 Member
    Hey - my first target is to lose 30lbs! And then I'll see from there!! All these bmi calculations make me think I need to lose a lot more!

    Lets be friends and motivate each other.

    Good luck!

  • artbaby1
    artbaby1 Posts: 12 Member
    The book to read is " Eat to Live" by Dr Mark Furhman. You will never be hungry again....
  • I started a couple of days ago too! I wanna lose 20 pounds. We're doing the Biggest Loser contest at my work and it definitely helps having others involved and doing it together. :)
  • sewedo1
    sewedo1 Posts: 200 Member
    To encourage you, I set out in 8/11 to lose 25 and now have lost 29!
  • I just started this "my fitness pal" yesterday and I"m liking what I see, my first goal is thirty pounds to loose...:tongue:
  • bedoozled
    bedoozled Posts: 189 Member
    Me! I'm 23, 5'4", currently about 145-146ish, and looking to get down to 120-125 (or just whatever I feel good at!). Good luck!
  • I just started MFP yesterday and I need to lose about 25lbs. I had a baby in September and it is time to shed those pounds. Good luck with your weight loss. I think this site and it food journal really helps hold you accountable for your actions, so that should help.
  • 5'10 and 160 here. I would love to lose 15; if I lose 25, I would be delighted. My stumbling block is my schedule. Like a lot of people, I work full time and have two little children who require a lot of attention. (And I want to spend time with them!) I'm bad about packing my lunch; I also eat their leftovers and snack when I get home. But I am committed! No more leftover fish sticks or pasta for me.