
Am I getting too much if I am in the red with protien?


  • skb32881
    skb32881 Posts: 105 Member
    Nope. MFP sets the protein limit pretty low (you can change it, I did) and it's hard to actually get too much protein. Different people will tell you different things but I shoot for 40% protein - which I NEVER make - which is about 160 grams on a 1600 calorie diet.
  • Have you heard of the LCHF, Low Carb High Fat lifestyle?
    I've dropped 145 pounds eating LCHF.
    My energy level is through the roof and I feel great.
  • maryjay51
    maryjay51 Posts: 742
    i eat way more protein than they recommend on here because i lift heavy weights .. so i guess it all depends on your need and what you feel comfortable with. i did a ton of research and talked to experts in sports nutrition so i could make sure i was getting what my body needed.. on fitness pal its kind of general on your needs and i adjust their numbers to what i feel works for me ..for instance theres no way i can eat 1800 calories a day..thats too much for me so i toned it down to 1200 and if i go over it for whatever reason i feel safe doing so.
  • according to the way it calculates. this is one area I wish we could change. I would like to get more protien and less carbs. it calculates based on the 2,000 calorie thing.
  • how do you change it?
  • thank you
  • Xaraxia
    Xaraxia Posts: 6 Member
    How do you change the limits?
  • I was able to change mine by going to goals
  • How do you change the limits?

    You go to Goals -> Change Goals -> Custom

    and you can change the caloric intake, carb, protein and fat intakes as well as choose to track other things (like: sodium, sugars, cholesterol, etc..)