New (Again)

I am back to MFP after being gone for 3 months and gaining back the weight I lost. I am really sick of this roller coaster. Seems like I do great for several months only to revert back to my bad eating habits.

I need more friends to help keep me motivated. I will be 40 in six months and I would really like to lose 30 pounds by then.... I am gonna try!!

Feel free to add me


  • I know how you feel. I'm also newly back on the wagon. I lost 10lbs right before my wedding using MFP and then after the wedding, all of my new found habits went out the window!

    Not much you can do except brush yourself off and keep trying.
  • I am at it again as well but this will be the last time! This is a lifestyle change, not a diet ;)
  • Yep me too. New again! I quit around Thanksgiving. I love Holiday food! I have gained 7 pounds from where I was. So, now back on track on counting calories and watching what I eat!
  • casey34472
    casey34472 Posts: 280 Member
    I'm back again too!
  • kbsagely
    kbsagely Posts: 7 Member
    I have been off and on for a few months now. But, I am really motivated right now so I hope to see some consistency. I got the app for my iPhone and it rocks!

    I will be 40 this Friday and also have a 30 lb weight loss goal. Best wishes!!
  • Hey guys! i am Shannon! I just graduated from high school in December and I want to be healthy for College , I need to lose over 10 pounds!
  • If I had a dollar for everytime I STARTED this process, I could afford a couple of weeks at a health spa. I'm starting anew again (day 3). I've got a class reunion in summer.... that's one of my motivators. Looking slim and healthy (one or both) would be a kick for me. Good Luck on your journey. If I can figure out how to 'friend' you, I'll do it. :smile: well I figured out how to add a smiley to my note... so there's hope! :wink: