Going Vegetarian to help myself!

So I have come to the conclusion that I need to go vegan/vegetarian and see how that goes! Has anyone else had luck? Success stories??


  • PrincessEliNa
    PrincessEliNa Posts: 524 Member
    Um, well I've been a vegetarian for 16 months now, and feel the best I ever have! No meat for me! ;) (Though I do make sure to get enough protein)
  • it_be_asin
    it_be_asin Posts: 562 Member
    I've been vegetarian for nearly 16 years now. If you join the happy herbivores group, us MFP veggies and vegans congregate there (as well as MFP vegetarians).

    Being vegetarian or vegan is not a magic solution for weight loss though. It can be a lot healthier than the standard western diet though. It depends on what you eat, if you avoid excess dairy, processed carbs and junk food you will lose weight and gain so much health wise on a vegetarian diet.
  • lilymaloney
    lilymaloney Posts: 5 Member
    I've been a vegetarian for four and a half years. It was really difficult for me to stop eating meat (I grew up in the Midwest--meat and potatoes all the time!), but I've always been glad that I did. If you are like me and enjoy the taste of meat, I highly recommend Quorn products; their chicken is delicious, and the meat balls are also great. Plus, they are super low-calorie! Good luck to you!
  • mideon_696
    mideon_696 Posts: 770 Member
    so what led you to this conclusion exactly?

    Nothing against this lifestyle choice. I'm just always curious when i come accross someone who wants to take this route?

    also, i wouldnt say the 2nd poster gets enough protein IMO.
  • abbbigayl
    abbbigayl Posts: 75 Member
    I've been vegetarian for years and went vegan a few months ago. Love it and would never go back!
  • ashleygeex26
    ashleygeex26 Posts: 68 Member
    I have been vegetarian basically my whole life. I love it. Growing up in a house where everyone else is pro meat and potatoes was difficult, but I feel healthier all the time and I am proud of my food choices.

    I am also looking for vegetarian friends out there to share stories with, so please feel free to add me! :)
  • missjelika
    missjelika Posts: 115 Member
    went vegetarian 15 months ago. best decision i ever made. have lost 50 pounds since. with exercise ofcourse.
    The best thing about it is that i had to start cooking most of my meals and reduced processed food. remember chips and pop are also vegetarian.
    I went cold turkey. had my last meal and never looked back. for others, they do it one day at a time.
    I would suggest watching Food Inc.(this did it for me) plus my major dislike for food cooperations.- mainly a CSA and farmers market gal
    -Also watch forks over Knives and look up the china study for benefits of a plant based diet.
    read Michael Polan "Food Rules- Eat food, not too much Mostly Plants" and "The Omnivores Dilemma"
    these helped me understand why i wanted to be vegetarian. once you have a firm reason for doing what you want to do, its easier to follow through.
  • shivaslives
    shivaslives Posts: 279 Member
    13 years as a lacto-ovo-vegetarian. Two things to remember - 1. just because your veg-head, doesn't mean you can't put on weight. I know a lot of overweight vegetarians and was one myself. You still have to be very conscious of portions and limiting complex carbs. 2. Getting enough proteins will be your other primary tasks. Find the source that you like and plan ahead, especially if you are planning on any strengthening or conditioning. Most vegan sources of protein are really high in carbs so you have to beware that trap.
    Good luck with your new journey and I'm sure you want regret. It can feel great when done right.

    Advice is worth exactly what you pay for it.
  • _VoV
    _VoV Posts: 1,494 Member
    I've been vegetarian for decades, and while it hasn't been the quick-fix to weight loss that some claim it is, it has served me very well. Plants are wonderful fuel. If you have specific questions or concerns, just ask, or join us on some of the message boards devoted to herbivores.
  • lucasuk82
    I went fully vegetarian for a few months and now just eat a very limited amount of meat.(About one serving a week.) I suggest going easy on the meat substitutes like Morningstar and Boca Burger - you can have less fat, calories, and sodium (and thus a bigger, more satisfying portion) by eating beans and vegetables. If you're cooking for yourself, a food processor is your friend . Lots of things like hummus, lentil loaf, and black bean burgers require one to make. If you eat out more, Middle Eastern and Ethiopian restaurants have a lot of good options. Final bit of advice, give up one meat at a time to avoid feeling deprived. Good luck!
  • mamagooskie
    mamagooskie Posts: 2,964 Member
    I became vegetarian in may 2011 and then vegan in sept 2011 and so far I feel like It's been a successful change for me. I feel great and never had such a variety of foods in my diet ever!!
  • susanswan
    susanswan Posts: 1,194 Member
    Hi, I am new to the vegetarian life. I want to do it to improve my health. I read EAT TO LIVE by Dr. Joel Fuhrman and loved what I found. I used to be a sugar/carboholic and now find that eating mainly green plants, fresh veggies, beans, nuts and seeds is the way to go for me. I feel SO much better!! I'll eat meat several times a week but am keeping my portion size to 2 oz. or less and I cut out most grains to a serving a day, severely cut back on processed foods, and salt. I already had cut back on salt, dairy, meat portions, eliminated sugar and white flour so I had a running start, already.

    It is funny, I just started just by adding LOTS more veggies in October and then cutting back more on salt, processed foods, meats, and by the time the Holiday Parties all started I ate a few cookies, and some dips, etc. and found that while I didn't consume a great quantity I felt like absolute crap for 3 - 4 days afterwards! I couldnt' wake up in the morning, the joints of my fingers hurt every morning and my innards came to a screeching halt in protest! I still love the taste of these things, but I am finding that by eating a much cleaner diet I FEEL so much better!

    So I suppose I am in a different category than most seem to be on this post. I know our chosen diets are very personal to us. I feel like I've been thrown a lifeline and am very thankful that I did not end up with serious medical consequences for my decades of eating misdeeds! My highest weight was 205, and I started at about 168 here in February. My goal was 135 and I never dreamed that I'd ever get as close as I am today (138.6) without fighting tooth and nail against starvation, but I'm not! Eating the way I have chosen to I have been losing weight (before the holiday eating parties) and was very hopeful to lose my last 4 pounds almost easier than the first 4 pounds which were a *****!!

    Anyway, good luck to you what ever you choose to do. This works for me, and YES! It is a lifestyle change. I am convinced my body doesn't want the other food anymore!
  • SonicaBE
    SonicaBE Posts: 151 Member
    This is great! so what do you guys do for protein?? I been use to eating eggs for breakfast for example..so tommorow I dunno what I shall do? I do admit I am very disconnected from my food..I watched food Inc and still...leave it in the back of my head and try not to think about it.
  • SonicaBE
    SonicaBE Posts: 151 Member
    so what do you do for protein?
  • takehimaway
    takehimaway Posts: 499 Member
    I used to eat meat every couple of months, but now I said that's it. So, I'm in the same boat. I will not give up fish or cheese or ice cream or eggs, but milk is also long gone. Yeah, animals are cool, but meat just tastes gross. My parents are really meat and potatoes people, too, so I suppose I won't be going down there to eat. "Come on, just try this." Blegh. -sickface-
  • susanswan
    susanswan Posts: 1,194 Member
    You'll find that for very few calories you can have sufficient protein from plants and a LOT of food to eat! People aren't used to thinking of plants as protein. How much meat do you think cows eat as in "grass fed"? If you do some checking you will find that when compared PER CALORIE most green plants do have more protein than meat, but the beef industry wants us to think protein content per "3 oz. serving". Try comparing "per 100 calories" and see how it works out. It is kind of logical when you think about it but we are so used to thinking that meat and animal products are the only way to go. Honestly, it does take more thought and preparation to not just grab a package and open it up, but it is a very healthy option for me. Anyway this is how I am handling it!
  • Fairysoul
    Fairysoul Posts: 1,361 Member
    Feel free to add me, I have gone meat free now since the new years and I don't plan on going back!
  • shasha_84
    shasha_84 Posts: 170
    so what do you do for protein?
    Protein is in so many foods, Nuts and soy are a really good source
    I switched to a vegan diet a few months ago and I love it as well. Good luck :)
  • benjamin171
    benjamin171 Posts: 7 Member
    for some good vegetarian recipe ideas check out these blogs:
