i need a low cal, high protien supper idea

i over ate at lunch. uh huh.

i have 118 calories left for supper. i was going to have blts with avocado and chipotle mayo, wild rice and mushrooms, and cinnamon apples. now i need to adjust my plans.



  • psmd
    psmd Posts: 764 Member
    egg white scramble? low cal and high protein :smile:

    greek yogurt?
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    You could take a brisk jog around the neighborhood and earn some extra calories. :)

    Or, make yourself a salad with baby spinach, diced peppers, drained canned tuna, and a little dressing.
  • cacrat
    cacrat Posts: 336 Member
    Chicken breast. 4oz is almost exactly what you have left. Flavor with some no-salt seasoning, and you're good to go!
  • Akahime
    Akahime Posts: 35 Member
    Try a cup of spinach or 2 and some egg whites with whatever other veggies you got in the fridge and top with salsa instead of dressing! A little of that avocado won't hurt.
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    You could take a brisk jog around the neighborhood and earn some extra calories. :)

    Or, make yourself a salad with baby spinach, diced peppers, drained canned tuna, and a little dressing.

    i can't take a jog as i had abdominal surgery 3 weeks ago, but i did go for a 3 mile walk already. :)
  • AdAstra47
    AdAstra47 Posts: 823 Member
    I agree with cacrat. My quick easy protein is always a grilled chicken breast. Sprinkle some spices on it first, or stuff it with some cheese and/or some spinach, and/or wrap it in a slice of bacon... whatever you have on hand.
  • ams2264
    My go to high protein low cal meal is sauteed mushrooms and chicken breast. You can have 8 oz of mushrooms for just over 50 calories!
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    Egg white omelette and some broccoli.
  • hypergrl
    hypergrl Posts: 188 Member
    Well now i'm curious what did you decide to have?
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    You could take a brisk jog around the neighborhood and earn some extra calories. :)

    Or, make yourself a salad with baby spinach, diced peppers, drained canned tuna, and a little dressing.

    i can't take a jog as i had abdominal surgery 3 weeks ago, but i did go for a 3 mile walk already. :)

    Oh man, I'm sorry, I forgot about that. :(
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    You could take a brisk jog around the neighborhood and earn some extra calories. :)

    Or, make yourself a salad with baby spinach, diced peppers, drained canned tuna, and a little dressing.

    i can't take a jog as i had abdominal surgery 3 weeks ago, but i did go for a 3 mile walk already. :)

    Oh man, I'm sorry, I forgot about that. :(

    no worries. :)
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    Well now i'm curious what did you decide to have?

    i had chicken for lunch, so i checked the package of bacon and i could have 4 slices for 70 calories, which is the same as 2 ounces of tuna. (we use microwave bacon for convenience.) i crumbled the bacon over 4 cups of spinach and added tomatoes and mushrooms. i forgot about the salsa as a dressing in between the computer and fridge (hello ginko biloba, i think it's time we became friends) so i poured on some lemon juice and pepper. i also had one cup of steamed cauliflower and broccoli.

    thanks for all the ideas. i was *this close* to having an egg white omelet with veggies.