Introduce Yourself

Hello, I recently signed up on New Year’s Eve and wanted to take a moment to introduce myself. I’m currently 49 years old and will be turning 50 in July. I’m a food addict and I desperately want to lose at least 58 pounds. Like most here, I’ve had weight issues most of my life. New Year’s Eve 2008 my New Year’s Resolution was to lose weight, so New Year’s Day I stepped on the scale and much to my disgust I weighed the most I had ever weighed in my life. So I started on my journey; from 01/01/2008 up until this past Thanksgiving I had lost 100 pounds and had been maintaining the weight loss for a while but plateaued and couldn’t reach my goal weight. Feeling as though I was in a phase of stagnation I caved between Thanksgiving and New Years of this year and gained 8 pounds back :sad: . My step-daughter recently introduced me to the MFP site as I have never gone public like this before. My husband and son have both been very supportive of me losing weight, but I’m hoping that by sharing the next phase of my journey with people that I know who can really relate with where I coming from, can be the incentive to get me past this rut that I’m in and encourage me to reach my goal weight, and then the next hardest part of the journey – maintaining the weight loss! If you’re in it for the long haul and the wild roller coaster ride that this can be, then be sure and add me as a friend and let’s do this together! :happy:


  • mollymoo89
    Hi and welcome!

    I'm a 22 year old graduate student who has been on here since my junior/senior year of undergrad and absolutely love it! I love all the friends I have on here who support me and push me when I need it. As long as you continue to use MFP, you will see results!! Feel free to add me as a friend!

  • mollymoo89
    On and congrats on losing 100 pounds and I think it's wonderful that you signed up! No better time than the present!